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Leading reports:

• A leading report examines a problem or explain a situation and leads the readers to
• a specific conclusión.
• It is used for making plans and solving problems.
• Usually an organization commisions someone to research and write reports.
• As a result of the report, the readers will decide wheather to accept the recomendations or not.
• Such a problem- driven report sets out to resolve an issue or present a point of view, which is stated
• at the beginning of the text.
• The leading report should start with the statement of the issue, explore the benefits
• and end with a conlusion about what action you would like the reader to take.
• Here is a posible structure:
•Define the issue.
•Present a series of factors or benefits (in
two different paragraphs)
•State a conclusion.
Writing a report:
Plan, draft, revise and redraft
• What information you want to emphasize?
• Generate ideas, research additional material to
support your opinión. (advantages or
• Think about: register, audience, context and
text type.
brainstorming • Sort your ideas into a logical order: choose
examples to suppport your ideas.
• What kind of report are writing.
• Write a draft of the body.
• Use a eye-catching title.
• Be sure to use the right conventions.
Re-read the completed draft of your written interview and revise as necessary.

Remember: you will be assessed against three criteria:

A: language
B: message
C: conceptual understanding: audience, context and purpuse)
Evaluative Reports:
They can be written about present issues and future solutions. They can set out an
existing problem, discuss different solutions and leave the readers to come to their own

Topic Evaluative Report

Characteristic #1
Characteristic #2

Characteristic #3

Conclusions Strenths of each suggestion

Weaknesses of each suggestion
Leading Reports
• A leading report examines a problema or explains a situation and
leads the reader to a specific conclusion. It is used for making plans
and solving problems.
• It helps to:
• Sove an issue
• Present a point of view
A leading Report Structure
Topic Leading report
Introduction: topic and Your ideas Evidence , examples, or
issues explanations.
Argument #1

Argument #2

Argument #3
recomendations, actions
to be taken
Task: Choose one of the options.
• Your EFL teacher has asked you to recommend two books that highlight
some aspects of children in need for younger students. The books
should highlight social or environmental issues. Write an evaluative
report comparing the two books.
• You recently attended an international youth conference on Global
Warming. Read the statement made by one of the participants:
• “From the conference we learnd that saving our planet and lifting people out of poverty are
part of the same issue. I feel full of energy having met with internaitonal students, who are
form many different parts of the world and yet have very similar ideas”.
Write a report outlining the main events of the conference and your
evaluation of it.

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