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The examination of raw water will enable us to determine the process of water
purification. Water analysis of purified water is done to know whether the
degree of purification has reached the required standards or not. Following are
the purposes of water analysis of raw water.
1. To classify the water with respect to general level of mineral constituents.
2. To determine the degree of clarity and ascertain the nature of matter in
3. To determine the chemical and bacteriological pollution of water.4. To
determine the level of organic impurities
4. To determine the level of organic impurities.
1. pH VALUE: The hydrogen ion concentration or pH value of water is a measure of
degree of acidity or alkalinity of water. It is measured from scale 0-14.pH of 7 is neutral,
pH less than 7 is acidic, pH greater than 7 is Basic. Acidic water causes tuberculation
while alkaline water causes incrustation. For potable waters, the pH value should be
between 6 to 9, and preferably between 7 to 8.5. The measurement of pH value is
helpful in controlling softening and coagulation processes in water treatment.
2. CHLORIDE: Chlorides in combination with other elements are always found in water.
NaCl is normally found in water. The presence of "NaCl" may be due to water coming in
contact with saltiest layer or sewage entering into it. For potable water the amount of
chlorides is limited to 250mg/lit and maximum permissible limit is 1000mg/lit.
Chlorides may be readily measured by means of volumetric procedures employing
indicator solution. For most purposes the Argentrometric method employing silver
nitrate as indicator solution (yellow-brick red) is used.
Alkalinity is the buffering capacity of water body. It measures the ability
of water bodies to neutralize the acids and bases thereby maintaining a
fairly stable pH. Alkalinity of natural water is determined by the soil and
bedrock through which it passes. The main sources for natural alkalinity
are rocks which contain carbonate bi carbonate and hydroxide
4. DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Oxygen gas is generally absorbed by water from
the atmosphere, but is being consumed by unstable organic matter for
their oxidation. Hence, if the oxygen present in water is found to be less
than its saturation level, it indicates the presence of organic matter and
consequently making the water suspicious.
5. TURBIDITY: It is the measure of inter frame given by insoluble
process of soil organics, microorganisms and other materials for the
passage of light through water the standard unit is that which is
produced by 1 milligram off in cly divided silica in one liter of distilled
water the permissible limit of turbidity is 5 to 10units on silicascale.
6. ELECTRICALCONDUCTIVITY: Electrical conductivity of water is a measure of
water's ability to conduct electricity. Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity;
but it shows significant conductivity when ions of dissolve salts are present in it. The
electrical conductivity, called the specific conductivity of water therefore,
approximately measures the number of ions present in water and hence
approximately measures the total dissolved solids in water. In clean water the order
of magnitude is in the range of µS/cm.
present in water can be determined by evaporating a sample of water and weighing
the dry residue left. the suspended solids can be found by filtering the water sample
and weighing the residue left on the filter paper. The difference between the total
solids and the suspended solids will then represent nothing but the
Water analysis results (source: BIS 10500:2016)

SI NO Characteristics Type Tested value Permissible Remarks

1 Physical 1.pH value 7.45 6.5-8.5 Within limit

2.Turbidity 8 NTU 5-10 NTU Within limit

2 Chemical 1.Chloride 899.65mg/l 1000mg/l Within limit

2.Alkalinity 200mg/l 600mg/l Within limit

4.Total solids 520mg/l -

• "From the water analysis result (tableno.4.8) for the raw water sample it
is imperative that the water requires aeration treatment, plain
sedimentation, sedimentation with coagulation, disinfection treatment
before it is supplied to the consumers for drinking and domestic uses.”

source Aeration Filtration

Storage is
Distribution Disinfection
over head

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