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House tax rises

By: Semaj Lofton


•How do taxes effect

house prices? How
do they effect prices
3245 E Stallion
Ln, Tucson, AZ
• 2019 - $724  (-0.5%)
• 2020 - $724
• 2021 - $748 (+3.3%)

• Looking at this house, I feel that the

taxes will rise higher and higher over
the course of a few years. I feel this
way because 2021 has risen prices
already in things like food and gas
You Might • Data can be shown from almost every house
that taxes and house prices are both on a rise

say that since 2020.

• Houses might go down in price because of
taxes don’t location or another factor but it won't stay
low in this time period because of people
really moving here so frequently and with the
government's debt on the rise.
affect hous • The taxes of the houses may stay the same
for a year or two, but the house prices always
e prices, change. This means that no matter what you
do, a price will always change, whether it be
But........ your taxes or regular house prices.

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