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Ingles II

Rommel Edison Lazaro Ferrer
Tours in the city of Huaraz

The trip begins on November 20 to

the city of Huaraz, arriving at
approximately 4 in the afternoon
and we stay at the Alpamayo hotel,
then we go out to tour the city, we
arrive at the main square, the
church of the solitude where we
share caliche to warm the body.
Route to the llanganuco lagoon

The next day our destination is

the llanganuco lagoon that is
below the huascarán at 4800
meters above sea level. Our trip
starts at 7:00 am and we arrive at
the city of Carhuaz, to savor the
delicious ice creams.
Route to the llanganuco lagoon

The next stop was the city of

Yungay, we visited the old city that
was destroyed by a flood in 1970,
finally we arrived to the llanganuco
lagoon, where we took a canoe ride
and toured the quenual forest. On
the way back we had lunch in the
city of Caraz, we bought sweets and
Chavín de Huantar Route

On the second day we visited

the city of Chavín. We arrived at
the temple of Chavín de
Huantar, we toured the
archaeological complex: The
square plaza, the façade of the
faconidas and the labyrinths of
the galleries where we could
observe the Lanzon de Chavín.
Pastoruri Snowy Route

The third day we visit the city of

Recuay, Catac, to then arrive at the
Pastoruri snow-capped mountain
where we practice adventure
sports, we also do horseback riding.
finally we returned to Huaraz so
that the next day we headed to

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