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Name- Ragini jaiswal

Roll no- 45
Problem statement



Block Diagram

Working module
index Advantages


Requirement specifications

Future scope

Problem statement
In our country, most clinics and hospitals have not embraced the new technologies that
can improve their management and a result. most of them use analogue
systems to capture and manage data.
Large space usage. Use of paper to record data requires large space for storage over
This can be seen in many places where analogue systems are in use,Inefficient backup
methods. Old systems especially that which are analogue do not provide effective ways
to back up data and as a result data can be permanently lost in the event data is damaged
or misplaced. This may lead to the collapse of the institution.
Analogue systems do not allow efficient supervision of its users and thus employees are
likely to commit fraud undetected and get away with it.
◦ An efficient clinic management system (CMS) is not only a patient-centric system which
helps to improve patient care, but also integrates seamlessly with your daily operational
◦ Ensuring tight security and using functionality standards, the CMS is able to maintain a
patient’s complete profile like his Electronic Medical Record (EMR), billing and claims,
and submit disease notifications to respective healthcare authorities

◦ In the of technology, where everything needs to be done efficiently and effectively the
existences of Clinic Management System (CMS) becomes necessary. The used of
CMS can enhance the services and the workflow of all activity that happens in
hospitals where it
◦ helps in reducing the workload of medical staff, the number of manpower needed and
it also make hospitals management become more manageable and easier to control.
◦ The Clinical Management System is a windows-based software designed for
registration and management of patient's records and easy access of the records. The
system will be used to assist
◦ All these activities are done routinely and would be cumbersome on the employees if
dome manually hence need of an efficient easy to use management software that will
help ease the workload on employees in the clinic/hospital.
Block diagram


edit profil make appointment Reports

Block diagram


edit profil patient rocord doctors details ​medicine

Working module

Appointment tab

view the daily, weekly and monthly appointment of patients.

Inventory tab

Medicines tab - add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate of medicine.

Stocks tab - add, edit, and view stock.

User’s tab

add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate of users.

Logs tab
logs of users, inventory, patients, and settings
settings tab
Source tab - add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate of source.
Type tab - add, edit, view, deactivate, and activate of type.
System tab - edit system information (name, address, cellphone & telephone number);
enable or disable logs status.
My Account
change the password of current signed in user
end the session of the current signed in user.
Users type and restriction
Admin - can access all the features of the system.
Vaccinator - can only access dashboard, patients, appointment, and inventory (viewing only) tab.

◦ Paperless Record System

◦ Easier and Quicker Access to Patient's Records and Other Data.
◦ better customer experience.
◦ Improved Efficiency.
◦ Patient Satisfaction.

◦ Accuracy and Speedy Service.

◦ Technical Challenges: Other few technical challenges that fail the
implementation of CMS in the healthcare industry includes Networks.
◦ computer have different maintenance problems, lack of no standards for
Data entry and data retrieval, difficulties in training users technically to use
Requirement specification
◦ Hardware
    Operating system – windows, android mobiles
    Processor – intel core i5 2.30 Ghz
    RAM -8 GB
◦ Software
      Language –html,  css, java,
      Database - mysql
future scope
The term clinical trial refers to the entire record of any test article from its
initiation in the lab to its introduction to the market and beyond.
Once the promising molecule is identified in the lab, it is subjected to more
per-clinical studies to get an idea about different aspects of the test article.
Clinical research is often conducted at academic medical centers and
recognized research centers.
Developing the clinical system software is a great opportunity to create the
distinct, efficient and fast delivering healthcare model.
Implementation of clinical management system project helps to store all the
kinds of records, provide coordination.
user communication, implement policies, improve day-to-day operations,
arrange the supply chain, manage financial and human resources, and market
hospital services.

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