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Grade 8

What Chinese Culture is
reflected in the story of
Poetic Sound
Poets use poetic sound devices to
achieve an emotional effect and
bring beauty to the use of language.
Poetic Sound Devices
1. Alliteration
2. Consonance
3. Assonance
4. Cacophony
5. Euphony
1. Alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound.

“ Crossed warp with woof in deft and even row”

Wordlessly watching, he waits by the window

2. Consonance is the repetition of similar final consonant sounds.
A charger here, a saddle there, she bought,
And next a bridle and a whip she sought..

“lack…attack,” "boats…into the past." The words "cool" and "soul“

3. Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound


“Alone, unknown, she would the danger face...”

"Asleep under a tree."

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain

4. Cacophony is the use of letters or syllables that produce
discordant or harsh sounds. The consonant letters t, d, k, g,
b, and p produce harsher sounds compared to m, n, l, f,
and v.

“The turbid stream swept on with swirl and foam

Dispelling Muh-Lan’s dreams of friends and home...”

5. Euphony is the use of sounds to produce harmonious or
beautiful sounds. In the English language, vowel sounds
have a more pleasing effect to the ears than consonant
sounds. Moreover, the use of long vowel sounds produce a
more melodious effect that short vowel Sounds
“Muh-Lan’s swift fingers flying to
and fro...”
Rock a bye baby in the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle
will rock.
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and down will come
baby, cradle and all.
Identify the poetic device
MODULAR: Answer Unit 3-Wordtext of Lesson 2 on page 223 Activity B
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