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Project three.

Film planning.
Mind maps.
Artist analysis.
“Red handed”
Director & Editor: Edward Andrews Writer: Brook Driver (23 Awards + 23 Festivals)
7 minutes 30 seconds duration.
In only a short amount of time this film expressed a detailed plot,
which kept the viewers attention from beginning to end.
The focus of this piece included a man on a run stumbling upon a
crime. The tension and the misfortune kept flowing through until the
plot came full circle which was a satisfying and unique ending.

There was limited dialogue from the

characters shown on screen. The main
Visually the imagery was dialogue was from a voice over of an
simultaneously striking and mild. omniscient character this was effective in
The protagonist kept our captivating the viewer making them
attention as he stood out against wonder the voice's identity.
natural green and brown
landscape by his bright orange
Transitions wise this piece was very
wardrobe contrasting the other
skilled. Most of the transitions were
characters which were in
unexpected, keeping the audience on their
predominantly black ensembles.
toes. This included varied motion and
camera movements.
Mind maps

Three students Missing object.

Short film.
in detention.

Split screen,
Film follows multiple
Three pov’s.
the day of each camera
student. angles.

First person
Teacher day to
Introduction to
accusation of incident to
missing object. accusation.

Third person Each

Second person day
day to incident character has
to incident to
to accusation. stolen one

I will shoot each scene multiple times from different angles to edit the clips together to create a split screen image.
The Good.
First person motive: despair

Opening scene
shows character in a Sits down at computer.
supermarket Computer, bag side
Walks through
They have no money camera.
the doors.
to buy anything.

Texting are you Classroom empty Goes to vending

coming to lunch? Looks around checks machine
stays to work coast is clear Approached by
Opens drawer teacher.
Takes a pound.
The Bad.
Second person’s motive: to repair reputation.

Teacher writes
Arrives late to Lecture on
in book.
class. grades.

Missed Checks once coast is Walks out of class

deadlines on clear opens drawer teacher comes around
computer. steals book. the corner.
The Ugly.
Third person’s motive: chaos.

Everyone is
Walks through Eyes watch
silent and
corridor into ticking clock.

Runs to drawer,
Makes paper
Avoidant of opens it
airplane to bin.
work. Steals something
Character profiles.
Rick Hopkinson.
The teacher is quite frustrated and stressed over the missing object of his. He is determined to find out the truth. He is a stern
character and is demanding the best outcomes for his students. E.g., writing in his book whenever they do not follow the rules
as well as he would like.

Student 1:
Lucy Salmons.
Student 1 is a shy and careful character. They are tense and preoccupied as they are struggling with being able to afford lunch
their motive for the object, they stole was despair. They were apprehensive about stealing making sure to check multiple times.
When they were questioned in detention, they feel nervous and remorseful for taking the money.

Student 2:
Student 2 is a mixed character. Although, they don’t follow the teachers rules very well they aren’t an inherently bad person.
They are aware their actions are wrong and have some apprehension before stealing. Their motive for stealing the book was to
repair their reputation.

Student 3:
Chloe Darbey.
Student 3 is a complex character. They are impulsive and careless. When stealing the item, they do not check if it is safe, they
are reckless and run into action. Their motive for stealing the sentimental item was a need for chaos. They do not feel any guilt
for their actions.

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