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Yunia Purwati

Nouns & Pronouns

Komponen dari tata bahasa yang digunakan
untuk menyebutkan benda.
kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan
kata benda
Parts of nouns
1. Countable Nouns
kata benda yang dapat dihitung atau di
tentukan jumlahnya.
example :
 I have a book
 His son bought three apples
 there are many student in my school
2. Uncountable Nouns
kata benda yang tidak dapat ditentukan
berapa banyak jumlahnya
example :
 There are much watter in the bottle
 I need a litle help
 You have to add amount of sugar
Parts Of Pronouns
1. Personal Pronouns
kata ganti nama, baik itu nama orang atau
nama benda secara spesifik.
 You read a book every day
 It was bought at book store
 I have a magazine, it has 25 pages
2. Possessive Pronouns
kata ganti yang menunjukan kepemilikan
example :
 This motorscyle is mine
 That house is yours now
 The cute cat is ours
3. Demonstative Pronouns
kata ganti yang digunakan tergantung jaug
dekatnya jarak benda .
 I bough this dress in Thailand
 Those are our bags
 That is your dictionary
4. Interrogative Pronouns
kata-kata yang mempertanyakan orang atau
example :
 Who did take my pencil ?
 Which book is your favorite ?
 What should I do ?
5. Reflexive Pronouns
kata ganti yang menyatakan bahwa subjek
atau objek yang melakukan tindakan juga
menerima tindakan.
example :
 I’m going to buy myself new jeans
 She asked herself why she was eassy to be panis
 The cat is licking itself
6. Indefinite Pronouns
kata ganti yang tidak pasti, tidak merujuk ke
seseorang, tempat, atau benda tertentu.
example :
 I would like to go somewhere this summer
 Someone gave me this book
 I won’t tell your secret to anyone
7. Relative Pronouns
kata ganti yang diunakan untuk menggabungkan dua
kalimat independen yang memiliki satu subjek dan objek.
example :
 Do you know the people who live in the white house ?
 The man whom imet was friendly
 I want to go to the place which reminds me of my
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