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Space-based solar power (SBSP) involves collecting the sun’s energy in space, and then wirelessly transmitting it to Earth.
 Giant mirrors installed in space to collect solar energy
 Solar panel convert this energy into electromagnetic radiation
 The energy is the beamed back to Earth through lasers
 The electromagnetic radiation is again converted to electricity and is distributed to grid.

Advantages :-
 40 times more energy
 No greenhouse gas emissions
 Almost 0% hazardous waste
 24 hours power generation
Why Are we Not There yet?

It requires high investments and research before its ready for use.

 High development cost

 High damage risk
 High risk of wasted energy

Research to reduce costs is ongoing and we hope to see space based solar power in near future. Although a few
key players like China and USA are already taking steps to make space based solar power a reality.

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