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Basic English

Level 1
Basic English for everyday activities

Created by: Carlos Clemente

Study Técnicas de
techniques  estudio 
1. Underline the important: You 1.Subraya lo importante: Debes
should highlight the most destacar las partes más significativas del
significant parts of the text using texto usando colores, un resaltador,
colors, a highlighter, markers, etc. marcadores, etc. lee al menos dos veces
You should read the text at least el texto antes de realizar el subrayado
twice before underlining. debes

2. Make your own notes: It's all about 2.Realiza tus propios apuntes: Se trata
summarizing the most important things de resumir lo más importante con
in our own words so we can remember nuestras propias palabras para así
them. Take into account any key data. recordarlo. Ten en cuenta cualquier
You can do it the traditional way with dato clave. Puedes hacerlo de manera
pencil and paper or use digital tools tradicional con lápiz y papel o usar
herramientas digitales​.

3. Mind Maps: Write on a blank sheet 3.Mapas mentales: Escribe en una hoja
of paper: ideas, concepts, drawings and en blanco: ideas, conceptos, dibujos y
scribbles, connect with lines, symbols garabatos, conecta con líneas, símbolos
and colors as well as notes that help y colores además de notas que te ayuden
you conceptualize a particular topic. a conceptualizar un tema particular.
You can make them yourself by hand Puedes elaborarlo tú mismo a mano o
or use digital tools utilizar herramientas digitales ​

4. Study sheets file: serves to easily 4.Fichas de estudio: Sirve para asimilar
assimilate specific data such as dates, fácilmente datos concretos como fechas,
numbers or vocabulary. New words: números o vocabulario. Palabras
you should try to write down in one nuevas: debes procurar anotar en una
file the translation, meaning, tones, sola ficha la traducción, significado,
changes and variations, most common tonos, cambios y variaciones, usos mas
uses in a sentence. comunes en una oración.
. Study Técnicas de
techniques  estudio 
5. Exercises and case studies: Perform, 5.Ejercicios y casos prácticos: Realiza,
review and repeat frequently the repasa y repite frecuentemente los
exercises assigned and seen, include ejercicios asignados y vistos, incluye
variations and create new exercises. variaciones y crea nuevos ejercicios.
Search for free online exercises. Busca ejercicios en línea gratis

6. Test: Put to the test what you know 6.Prueba: Pon a prueba lo que sabes
to find out what you need. For each para saber lo que te hace falta. Por cada
seen class or session, test what you sesión vista, pon a prueba lo que
have just learned. Search for free acabas de aprender. Busca test en línea
online test. gratis.

7. Mnemonics: Associate concepts with 7.Mnemotécnicas: Asocia conceptos

others that are more familiar to you. con otros que te sean más familiares.
Create short words that help you Crea palabras cortas que te ayuden a
remember longer or more complex recordar otras mas largas o complejas,
ones, for example, the word CHON is por ejemplo, la palabra CHON se usa
used to remember the following para recordar los siguientes elementos
elements of the periodic table: Carbon, de la tabla periódica: Carbono,
Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen Hidrógeno, Oxígeno y Nitrógeno

8. Organize the study: Develop a 8.Organiza el estudio: Desarrolla un

calendar and take into account your calendario y toma en cuenta tus metas y
goals and the time you have available. el tiempo que tienes disponible.
Program it in your cell phone, link it to Prográmalo en tu celular, enlázalo a
Google Calendar with alerts or simply Google Calendar con alertas o solo
make one by hand and put it in a visible elaborar uno a mano y ponerlo en un
place on your desktop. lugar visible de tu escritorio.​
. Memes: Create your own drawings .Memes: Crea tus propios dibujos o
or images to visually represent your imágenes para representar de forma
ideas. The images created should be visual tus ideas. Las imágenes
incorporated as mental images that creadas deben ser incorporadas
will guide the memory of the como imágenes mentales que
elements they express and can be: guiarán el recuerdo de los elementos
que expresan y pueden ser:
• Figurative representation for
concrete ideas: the heart is • La representación figurada (para ideas
represented by drawing it concretas: el corazón se representa
dibujándolo esquemáticamente.
• La relación semántica (para ideas
• The semantic relationship for abstractas): defensa se puede
abstract ideas: defense can be representar con un escudo.
represented with a shield.
• La semejanza lingüística: tasa se
• Linguistic similarity: rate is representa dibujando una taza.
represented by drawing a plate. • La relación por asociación libre: Perú
• The relationship by free se puede representar dibujando la
association: Peru can be ciudadela de Machu Picchu.
represented by drawing the A veces es más sencillo asociar conceptos
citadel of Machu Picchu. con imágenes o dibujos. Si se te hace
fácil esto puedes seguirlo como uno de
Sometimes it is easier to associate tus hábitos de estudio.
concepts with images or drawings. If you
find this easy you can follow it as one of
your study habits
English Level 1
Grammar & Vocabulary
Simple present and the verb to-be: Affirmative and negative
1 sentences
Daily routines, origin, destiny, purpose: for from, to, until.

Simple present and the verb to-be: Yes-No questions and short
2 answers. / Jobs - works - study - verbs
Simple present and the verb to-be: information questions - In/near
3 / Free time activities - hobbies
Frequency adverbs / Clothes and Colors. Ask for and buy in a store
4 or shop.
Articles a, an, and the / Common objects: house-office-school-
5 college
This and these / these and those / Common Adjectives: Transport
6 and travel.

7 Plural nouns / Numbers: cyphers, prices./ Months, Years and days.

Possessives ’s and s’ / Food and drinks. / Order and Pay in

8 restaurant café.
9 Quantifiers / Family and people.
10 Time / Places in town/city / Collocations

11 Present continuous / progressive / The seasons and weather

12 Countable and uncountable nouns / Countries and Nationalities

13 Some and any / Abilities, Skills, Goals.

14 Simple past / Past time expressions.

15 Past continuous / progressive / Life achievements and stories

English Level 1




I me my (---) mine myself

yo yo/mí mi (algo) mío mí mismo


You You Your (---) Yours Yourself

tú mismo Ud.
tú/Ud. tú/ti tu (algo) túyo/súyo

He Him His (---) His Himself

él él su (algo) súyo (de él) él mismo

She Her Her (---) Hers Herself

élla élla su (algo) súyo (de élla) élla misma

It It Its (---) Its Itself

eso/esa esto/esta su (algo) suyo (de eso) si mismo

We Us Our (---) Ours Ourselves

Nosotros Nosotros Nuestro (algo) Nuestro Nosotros mismos


You You Your (---) Yours Yourself

Ustedes Ustedes su (algo) suyo (de ustedes) Ustedes mismos

They Them Their Theirs Themselves

Ellos mismas / ellas
Ellos/ellas Ellos/ellas su (algo) suyo (de ellos/ellas)
English Level 1
• Subject: Usually names, tittles, nouns, personal pronouns, and verbs: people, animals,
things, places or activities.
• Verbs: Are words that indicate actions, usually performed by the main subject, or a
subject shown in a sentence.
• Complement: Is a set of words that provide context for the interpretations of the actions
of the subject. They are usually: adjectives and adverbs, other verbs, nouns and
• Nouns: A noun is a word that refers to a thing (book), a person (Betty Crocker), an
animal (cat), a place (Omaha), a quality (softness), an idea (justice), or an action
(yodeling). It's usually a single word: cake, shoes, or it that be a phrase noun: school bus,
time and a half. There are different categories of nouns.
• Pronouns: a word or a small set of words that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun
phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context.
• Adjectives: are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous,
doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few,
millions, eleven. They modify (describe) nouns. Adjectives do not modify verbs or
adverbs or other adjectives. They come immediately before the nouns they modify.
• Adverbs:
• Connectors:
• Articles:
• Collocations:
English Level 1
1 Simple present and the verb to-be: Affirmative and negative sentences
Daily routines, location, identification, destination, purpose: for from, to,
Present simple with the verb BE Present Simple with all verbs:
Function: Function:
• Identification and location • Habits, routines, facts, truths
Affirmative sentence Negative sentence
With verb BE: With verb BE:
Subject+Verb+Complement Subject-Verb+NOT-Complement
With all verbs: With all verbs:
Subject+Verb-(s/es)+Complement Subject+Doesn’t-Verb+Complement
Subject+-Verb+Complement Subject+Don’t-Verb+Complement
S+V(s/es)+C S+doesn’t-V+C
S+V+C S+don’t-V+C

I am Jonas, I am from Germany. I am not Jonas, I am not from Germany.

She is Matilda, She is from Poland. She isn’t Matilda, She isn’t from Poland.

It is a passport, it is a travel document from your It is not a passport, it isn’t a valid travel document
country. from your country.

You are my best friends, you are with me until the You are not my best friends, you aren’t with me until
end. the end.

They are Charlie and Laura, They are here to help They are not Charlie and Laura, They aren’t here to
in the kitchen. help in the kitchen.

They are sasha, canela, candy and blacky, they are They are not sasha, canela, candy and blacky, they
our dogs. are not our dogs

I sleep from 10pm to 6am, I don’t sleep from 9pm to 5am,

She watches TV until 9pm She doesn’t watch TV at night.

He listens to the music to relax. He doesn’t listen to the music to relax

Google translator helps me a lot. It works for me Google translator doesn’t help me. It doesn’t work
every time. for me.

You dance very well, and you teach to children too You don’t dance very well. You don’t teach to
for a living. children too for a living.

You type very fast kids, from 10 to 15 words per You don't type very fast kids, from ´5 to 7 words per
second. second.

They read a lot of books, they look to upgrade They don´t read a lot of books, they don’t look to
their status. upgrade their status.
English Level 1
2 Simple present and the verb to-be: Yes-No questions and short answers. /
jobs - works - study - verbs

Present Simple:
Yes and No questions.
With verb BE:
Use the verb BE to form questions.
Use the NOT for negative answers.


With all verbs:

Use the auxiliary verb Do-Does. to form questions
Use the auxiliary verb do not (don’t)–does not (doesn’t) for negative answers


Yes, I am Yes, she, he, it is. Yes, you, we, they are.
No, I am not No, she, he, it, is not No, you, we they are not

Does+Subject+Verb+Complement? Do+Subject+-Verb+Complement?
Yes, she, he, it does. Yes, I, you, we, they do
No, she, he, it doesn´t. No, I, you, we, they don’t

With the verb BE With all verbs.

• Am I on the list? • Do I sleep from 10pm to 6am?
• Yes, you are. • Yes, you do.
• No, you are not. • No you don’t
• Are you Jonas from Germany? • Does she watch TV until 9pm?
• Yes, I am. • Yes she does.
• No, I am not • No, she doesn’t
• Is she Matilda from Poland? • Do you teach to children for a living?
• Yes, she is. • Yes, I do.
• No she is not. • No, I don’t
• Are you invited to the party? • Do they type fast?
• Yes, we are. • Yes, they do,
• No, we are not • No, the don’t
• Are they Charlie and Laura? • Do we read a lot of books?
• Yes, they are. • Yes, we do,
• No, they are not. • No, we don’t.

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