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DOC10064 (Aircraft performance manual)

This manual also provides new guidance for aeroplane operations on contaminated
runways, following the implementation of a new global reporting format for
assessing and reporting run way surface conditions. Its content was developed in
coordination with the Friction Task Force on the basis of existing and proposed
national regulations,

Another important element of the GRF is a process that enables a pilot to provide
ATC, aerodrome personnel and other pilots with their own observation confirming
the assessment or providing an alert of deteriorating (or improving) conditions
based upon their experience of actual braking action or lateral control. A
corresponding mechanism for the airport operator to downgrade (or upgrade) the
RWYCC on the basis of such reports has been incorporated in the GRF.
o Pilots are responsible for providing accurate
braking action reports.
o These reports provide feedback to the aerodrome
operator regarding the accuracy of the assigned
RWYCCs relative to the runway surface conditions
actually experienced.
o The pilot to assess the manner in which an aircraft
responds to the application of wheel brakes.
Braking Action Computation Function

Braking Action Computation Function

The implementation of this function on Airbus aircraft is called the

“Braking Action Computation Function’ (BACF)”.

The fundamental principle of the function is, post landing, to use the
data measured by the aircraft during its deceleration roll to identify the
braking action level. By using the aircraft performance model, it is
possible to differentiate the part of deceleration coming from either
aerodynamic, thrust reverse, or wheel-braking.
Air traffic control (ATC) relays………
Air traffic control (ATC) relays the pilot reports of runway braking
action to the aerodrome operator, who in turn, uses them in
conjunction with the RCAM to determine if the RWYCC should be
downgraded until the runway surface condition is improved.

A report from a preceding aeroplane is all the more reliable when it

emanates from another aircraft with landing performance capabilities
similar to his/her own.
Aquaplaning is a condition that can exist when an aircraft is landed on a runway
surface contaminated with standing water, slush, and/or wet snow. Aquaplaning
can have serious adverse effects on ground controllability and braking efficiency.

What are the regulatory criteria that trigger the reassessment of runway

 Beginning of precipitation
 Contaminant type changes
 Temperature passes -15°C
 AIREP below last reported RWYCC
 After chemical treatment or use of sand
 Temperature <=3°C and dew point spread <=3°C
Aircraft braking depends on the friction force between the tire and the runway, which is
affected by many factors, such as slip rate, speed, tire type, and runway surface
condition, and so on.

when an aircraft experiences or utilizes the full amount of friction available from the tire/runway
surface interface. Once the friction limit of a runway has been reached, the pilot can increase
brake pressure to any level, but the frictional force will not increase.

 when an aircraft experiences or utilizes the full amount of friction available from the tire/runway
surface interface. Once the friction limit of a runway has been reached, the pilot can increase
brake pressure to any level, but the frictional force will not increase.
Anti-skid systems are designed to minimize
aquaplaning and the potential tire damage which
can occur when a wheel is locked or rotating at a
speed which does not correspond to the speed of
the aircraft. 
Anti-skid removes the possibility of reverted
rubber skids caused by locked wheels.

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