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Unusual Job That I Want To Do

Name: Mohammad Rizal Bin Abd Hamid

Rubbish Collector
Set a good To maintain the
example to the good name of
younger the country and
generation the nation

Why I want to
become a
rubbish collectors

To show the To clean up the

value of scattered
cleanliness to garbage
The Reason Why This Work People Do Not
1. Smelly
• Picking up rotten trash.
• Society prefers to work in a comfortable
• Working as a garbage collector will face a bad
smell every day.
2. Underestimated
• Society thinks that working as a garbage
collector is a despicable job.
• Society will marginalized people who work as
garbage collectors.
• Salaries as garbage collectors are low.
What I Gained This Jobs
• Feel calm and peaceful looking at the clean
• Get paid from the municipality of the area.
• Recyclable rubbish can be sold at recycling
• Earn extra money from the proceeds of the

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