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Danny Lutkauskas
Hemorrhagic shock

Loss of blood from an injury

Symptoms: blue lips and fingernails.low or no urine output.excessive sweating.shallow

breathing.dizziness or loss of consciousness.confusion.chest pain.low blood pressure

Treatments: intravenous (IV) fluid and resuscitation via the administration of blood products

Example:gastrointestinal (GI) bleed, bleed from an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding from surgical
intervention, or vaginal bleeding
Respiratory shock

Lungs are unable to supply enough oxygen to blood

Symptom:Cool, pale arms and legs.High or very low temperature, chills.Lightheadedness.Little or no

urine.Low blood pressure, especially when standing.Palpitations.Rapid heart rate.Restlessness,
agitation, lethargy, or confusion.

Treatment: Emergency treatment may include supplemental oxygen, intravenous fluids, antibiotics,
and other medications.

Neurogenic shock

Loss of vascular control by the nervous system

Symptoms: Low blood pressure (hypotension).Slow heart rhythm (bradyarrhythmia).Flushed, warm

skin that gets cold and clammy later.Lips and fingernails that look blue.Lack of full consciousness.

Treatment: IV Fluids. IV fluids are the primary treatment for low blood pressure.Vasopressors. If IV
fluids prove ineffective, vasopressors can help tighten blood vessels and increase blood pressure.
Atropine. If your heart rate is low, your doctor may prescribe atropin.

Examples:car accidents that cause central nervous system damage or spinal cord injury
Cardiogenic shock

Inadequate functioning of the heart

Symptoms:Rapid breathing.Severe shortness of breath.Sudden, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)Loss of

consciousness.Weak pulse.Low blood pressure (hypotension)Sweating.Pale skin.

Treatments:Vasopressors. These medications are used to treat low blood pressure. Inotropic agents.
Aspirin. Antiplatelet medication. Other blood-thinning medications.

Example:heart attack
Metabolic shock

Severe loss of bodily fluids

Symptoms:low blood pressure, pale and cool arms and legs, chills, difficulty breathing, and decreased
urine output. Mental confusion and disorientation may also develop quickly.

Treatments:Emergency treatment may include supplemental oxygen, intravenous fluids, antibiotics,

and other medications.

Example: stroke
Anaphylactic shock

Severe allergic reaction

Symptoms:Skin reactions, including hives and itching and flushed or pale skin.Low blood pressure
(hypotension). Constriction of the airways and a swollen tongue or throat, which can cause wheezing
and trouble breathing.A weak and rapid pulse.Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.Dizziness or fainting.

Treatments: Epinephrine (adrenaline) to reduce the body's allergic response. Oxygen, to help you
breathe. Intravenous (IV) antihistamines and cortisone to reduce inflammation of the air passages
and improve breathing

Example: reactions to certain foods or particular insect stings

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