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By: bintang, amy, dina, fifi, isti, laily

Training consists of
an organization’s
planned efforts to
help employees
acquire job-related
knowledge, skills,
abilities, and
behaviors, with the
goal of applying
these on the job
(Noe, et al, 2011) Figure 1. Stages of Instructional
Training Design
(Noe, et al., 2011)
External training, or training that takes place outside the employing
organization, is used extensively by organizations of all sizes.
Large organizations use external training if they lack the capability
to train people internally or when many people need to be trained
External training may be the best option for training in smaller firms
External due to limitations in the size of their training staffs and in the
number of employees who need various types of specialized

1. Outsourcing of Training: training to external training firms,
consultants, and other entities.
2. Government-Supported Job Training: block grant programs
that target adult education, disadvantaged youth, and family
3. Educational Assistance Programs: pay for additional
education for their employees
1. Apakah RS memiliki program T&D? Apa sudah tersusun
tahunan atau berkala (sistematik)?
2. Bagaimana cara RS menganalisa kebutuhan T&D?
3. Kapan dirasakan benar-benar harus diadakan T&D?
4. Apa tujuan T&D di RS tersebut?

External 5.
Bagaimana metodenya?
Bagaimana implementasinya?
Training 7. Apa saja program diklat eksternal RS dalam setahun yg rutin
maupun tidak rutin?
8. Bagaimana proses evaluasinya?
9. Apakah hasilnya sudah dirasakan karyawan?
10. Apa dampak bagi RS?

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