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Ms. Morgan
What is a generalization?
● A generalization is a broad statement about what
a group of people or things have in common.
● For example, using what you know and have
observed you could generalize by saying, “Most
people in the United States greet each other with
a handshake.”
There are “good” and “bad” generalizations.
● You could say, “Most people in the United States greet
each other with a handshake.” That’s because it’s the
customary greeting in America and it’s supported by
● You should not say, “All people in the United States
greet each other with a handshake.” Saying all means
everybody, and that’s unlikely to be true.
“Clue Words” to Help Find Generalizations
● All
● Always
● Never
● Most
● Many
● Sometimes
● Generally
Be Careful
● Be careful when using the words “all, no, none,
everyone, nobody, always, and never.”
● These words are clue words that generally show
“bad” generalizations. Always and never are very
strong words.
● “Bad” generalizations might be faulty generalization.
Valid Generalizations

● Valid means true.

○ Supported by facts.
○ Uses logic and reasoning.
○ Proven with several examples.
Faulty Generalizations
● Faulty means false.
○ Not supported by facts.
○ Watch for the key words.
■ None, all, always, never, everyone, nobody.
○ Just one exception can prove a generalization false.
Ice cream is everyone’s favorite dessert.
● What is wrong with this generalization?
● How could you make it a valid generalization?
Valid or Faulty Generalizations
● All high school students love sports and movies.
● Teenagers sometimes dress in messy clothes.
● Children in large families never get enough attention.
● Many people love tacos.
● A lot of students are enjoying being at home.
● Children always want to wake up at seven in the morning.
● Most teachers enjoy their summer vacations.
● Generalizations are broad statements.
● Some are valid. Some are faulty.
● Valid generalizations are supported by facts,
examples, and logical thinking.
● Watch out for words like all or never.

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