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Garbage problem in

horizontal property

Eliana Andrea Vásquez Arias
Consuelo Quiroga Medina
Erik Tovar Restrepo

20XX Plan de negocios de Contoso 1

Site Location

Next we will talk about the problem

regarding the management of
garbage that occurs in the
residential complex Sauce 2 which
is located in Ciudad Verde, Socha.

20XX Plan de negocios de Contoso 2

Waste and final disposal of garbage
in PH, is a problem that is very
common and creates the ¿following
final disposal of waste in PH?

20XX Plan de negocios de Contoso 3

The problem that we find in the
horizontal property is
associated with the improper
management that is given to
the waste that is generated
within the co-ownership.

20XX 4
Garbage Shut
The poor condition of the
garbage deposit in the co-
ownership is not in the best
conditions, this generates
bad odors and the
proliferation of pests.
Action Plan - Objectives
1) thoroughly study the reason why
the co-ownership does not have a
suitable site for waste disposal.
2) Know the reason for the behavior
of the residents for the disposal of

¿Why is it important to separate?


• All owners of the residential complez Sauce 2

• Resources: An extraordinary fee Will be requested to finance the Project.

20XX Plan de negocios de Contoso 8


• Sauce 2 Residential Complex Horizontal Property Regulation.

• Handbook of conviction

• Google Web Images

20XX Plan de negocios de Contoso 9

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