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Botezatu Alexandra Floriana

STILTED (adj.)

(of a manner of talking or writing) stiff and self-

conscious or unnatural.

It feels as if nothing can break their stilted


feeling or expressing blissful happiness.

Her beatific smile was what allowed me to

keep going.

completely engrossing; compelling.

The critic contended that the book’s “riveting

plot” was nowhere to be found.

a feeling of hating something or someone.

The way she looked at him… it was so full of

abhorrence, he wanted to dissapear.
GAUDY (adj.)

extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to

be tasteless.

The photographer didn’t like his new dyed

hair, but he didn’t have the heart to tell him it
was gaudy.

To add insult to injury = to act in a way that makes a bad situation

He really has a talent for adding insult to injury: that's probably why he
doesn’t have that many friends.

To lose face = to be humiliated or come to be less highly respected.

The policeman was prepared to lose face , if that meant he could finally
solve the case.

Thick as thieves = (of two or more people) very close or friendly.

They have known each other for only two weeks, but they are already as
thick as thieves.

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