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• This work came through the scope of the English subject and with
it it is intended to get to know more about marine biologists, from
the course that is taken, to the income and functions
• Marine Biology carries out studies on the living beings that inhabit marine
ecosystems, that is, those that live in salt water. Its main role is to understand the
balance between the populations of the seas, their life cycles and the particular
habits of each species, understanding how living beings feed themselves and
collaborate for the maintenance of that ecosystem.

• A marine biologist may work on beaches and coastal areas, but their work also
covers mangroves, rocky shores, estuaries, reefs, seagrass plains, continental
shelves and abyssal zones, for example.

• The area still requires a wide range of diverse knowledge, dialoguing with
subjects covered in other academic degrees, such as Oceanography, Marine
Geology, Zoology, Ecology and Botany. Not by chance, it is very common for
marine biologists to work in partnership with professionals in these areas.

• The day to day of a marine biologist can vary greatly according to the company
he works for and the path he chooses. His role can be in both the public and
private spheres. Among the many possible functions, here are a few: fishing
consultant; consultant in aquaculture ventures; act in the area of environmental
protection and education; do research or teach .

• In his work, the marine biologist must demonstrate deep knowledge not only
about the animals and plants that live in the sea, but also about environmental
variables such as salinity, acidity levels of the aquatic environment (pH), depth,
pressure, lighting, wave movement. and tides, among other factors that impact
marine life.

How can I become a marine biologist?

• Man's relationship with the sea has always been very intense. It is not by chance
that a large part of the world's population lives close to coastal areas and enjoys
marine resources as a source of food, income and personal satisfaction.
Furthermore, the seas have always been a very important transport route for
people and goods.
• To pursue a career in Marine Biology, students can choose two different paths.
The first option is to pursue a degree in Biological Sciences, with a bachelor's
degree. Thus, initially, the future biologist will have a broad training, covering
numerous areas of knowledge within Biology, to, subsequently, opt for a
specialization focused on marine sciences.
• However, it is possible to find undergraduate courses for this line of learning. It is
important to emphasize that the curriculum of many institutions offers basic
disciplines of Biological Sciences still in the two or first three years of the course.
How much does a marine biologist make?
• The average salary of a Marine Biologist in Portugal is €1320 per month
(€21,120 per year), €10 (+0.8%) above the Portuguese average salary. The
remuneration of a Marine Biologist can start with an average base salary of €730
per month, while the maximum salary can exceed €2500 per month.
• A beginning Marine Biologist with less than 3 years of professional experience
can expect an average salary of €880. A mid-career Marine Biologist with 4-9
years of experience can earn an average salary of around €1230, while an
experienced Marine Biologist with 10-20 years of experience earns an average of
€1510. A Marine Biologist at the end of his career, with over 20 years of
experience, can expect an average salary of €1870.
• The average salary of a marine biologist in the US is not among the highest, but it
reaches reasonable levels depending on the institution for which the
professional works. On average, the monthly salary of a marine biologist there is
US$ 5,300, but it can reach US$ 8,000 depending on the title, experience and

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