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1. Food spoilt by microorganisms normally has one or more of these

characteristics :

 Unpleasant smell
 Unpleasant taste
 Changed colour
 Changed texture
 Mouldy

2. Spoiled food is unsafe to eat . Such food may cause stomach

upsets and food poisoning
• taste sour
• frothy
• Has an unpleasant smell
• Has a changed texture

• slimy
• Has an unpleasant smell
• Has a changed texture

• mouldy
• Has an unpleasant smell
• Has a changed colour

• mouldy
• Has an unpleasant smell
• Has a changed colour
What cause food spoilage ?

1. Bacteria and fungi can be found anywhere around us.

2. When bacteria and fungi grow on food , they release some

chemical substances that cause the food to turn bad
Factor affecting the growth of microorganisms

1. Bacteria and fungi normally grow best in warm , damp and dark
2. The following are the factors that affect the growth of micro

3. If we can prevent the growth of microorganisms if food ,

we can avoid food spoilage.
Food Preservation
1. The aim of food preservation is to prevent the growth of
microorganisms to slow down food spoilage.
2. Preserved food will stay fresh for a longer period.

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