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1.What is poverty?
2.By social scientist-what is poverty?
3.Causes of Poverty
4.Poverty Estimates
6.Inter-State Disparities
7.Global Poverty Scenario
8.Anti-Poverty Measures
What is Poverty?
Definition-Poverty is the lack of basic human
needs, such as clean water, nutrition, health
care, education, clothing and shelter, because
of the inability to afford them.
 Above poverty line
 Can Afford Basic Needs i.e. Food,
Shelter, Water, Health, Education.India-52%

Poverty line

 Below poverty line

 Can’t Afford Basic Needs i.e. Food,
Shelter, Water, Health, Education.India-48%

What is Poverty?
Criteria of Poverty
1)Calories-If a person consumes
food of following calories then
he/she is above poverty line.
Urban Rural
3) calories per day 2400 calories per day

4)Earnings-If a person earns

following money then he/she is
above poverty Rural
5) per month
Rs.454 Rs.328 per month

By social scientist-What is

1.Health-No access to health care.

2.Education-Lacking Elementary
3.Joblessness-Job Insecurity.
4.Income-Very Less
5.Vulnerability-Liable to injuries.
Why Poverty?
1.British-Depletion of Resources
during this rule led to Poverty.
2.Job Insecurity-Job insecurity in
both the sectors i.e. Agriculture
and Industrial.
3.Gaps-Lack of resources resulted a
big gap between rich and poor.
4.Socio-Cultural Reasons-High
Expenditure on festivals led to
indebtness in poor people.

Poverty Estimates
Ratio(%) Number of poor(in
1973-74 millions)
Year Rural Urban Combine Rural Urban Combine
d d
1973-74 56.4 49.0 54.9 261 60 321

1993-94 37.3 32.4 36.0 244 76 320

1999-00 27.1 23.6 26.1 193 67 260

 Vulnerability to poverty is a
measure which describes of
greater probability of common
handicapped)becoming or
remaining poor in years.
Inter-state Disparities
1.Proportion-Different from state-
2.Success rate-In reducing poverty
different from state to state.
3.Well Steps-Taken by certain
Kerala-Human Resource

Punjab-Agricultural implementation

W.Bengal-Land Reforms
Global Poverty Scenario
Anti-Poverty Measures
Have a collection
Have a cake sale
ave a non – uniform day at school

Fundraisi Have a school

ng talent show

Wear the white

Wristband for 2005

How We Can Have a sports tourname


Buy a red nose Support charities when

for Buying music
Comic Relief i.e. Band Aid 20 Money from this goes to c
Do They No It’s Christmas
Let's stop this ... NOW!

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