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Marketing Strategy

Marketing begins by designing a market strategy.

Before you know:

Objectives and Strategies

“Market Strategy”
- The target market
- The competition
- The actions that are developed
The target market as a strategy
• It is very important to identify and know the customers.
“Habits, interests, behaviors and customs”
• Which will allow the following information to be obtained:
“What would they buy, where, how and how much they can afford”

In addition, it is necessary to identify and analyze the behavior of

competitors to make decisions that reduce the negative impact on the
Las 7 P´s Marketing Mix
• Place
• Product
• Price
• Promotion
• Physical evidence
• Process
• People
• The term entrepeneur, which in turn consists of starting a business
where it involves some difficulty. Now, we also conclude that where
there is no business idea “there is no Business Initiative, since it
consists of solving problems through a product or service and that
there are three stages:” identifying the problema, considering a
solution and finding the public. In addition, beyond establishing the
raison of the organization, the structure of our business idea is
important, which implies a business plan, logistics and a team that
leads the company.
• Relevant phrase: “an idea without a business opportunity is not
considered a business idea”.
• Finally, the marketing strategy includes elements that will design a
proper strategy in order to obtain better results and in response to
this, it is answered as the objective of “what we want to achieve” and
the strategy of “how we want to achieve”, which, in turn Once both
elements are known as market strategy and it is bassically the study
of the business through customers as they will depend on tastes,
habits and customs that will help us to establish an offer model in
order to satisfy customers, where It is relevant to know the 7 P´s
because it seeks to provide an efficient and complete service posible.

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