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Hello my name is Willians Tarqui and I am 25 years old.

I'm going
to tell you about my life here.

First of all, I was born in Moquegua in 03 august 1996. When I was

4 years old, I start to study in Jose Carlos Mariategui in Torata. I
was studying there until I went to the high school. Talking about
family, my parents separated when I was a child, but we always
meet for christmas, this year we will meet at my father's house, I'm
going to be very happy.

Now, I'm studying in Moquegua , I go everyday by car, because I've

just passed my driving test. I think I am in the best part of my life!

Finally, in the future, I would like to be

engineer and I will work in dieseño y construction I'm going to be
the best in my job! I will also get marry and I would like to have
two babies.

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