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Chapter 12: Is That A

By: Andres Gracias, Anthony Le, Dayana
Lopez, Jeremiah Echeverria, and Jeshad
What Does a Symbol Stand For?

● A symbol does not stand for only one thing.

● Up for interpretation.
● An action can also be a symbol rather than just an
What Determines How One Interprets a Symbol?

● How one person engages a text determines how they

interpret a symbol.
● Many factors influence how one engages a text.
Different Meanings For Different People

● All readers have varying levels of understanding.

● There are two main types of readers.

● Things that stand for other things on a one-for-one

● Convey a certain message or meaning.

● Questions, experience and pre-existing knowledge

are tools that help people interpret symbols
Taking Action

● Brainstorm
● Take notes
● Organize thoughts
● Reject/accept ideas
● Ask questions
Reading Literature

● Feel first then think

● Involves affect and instinct to a large degree

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