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Marketing Campaign

Sekolah Beta
+ divisi performance marketing (boosting, SEO, etc)
Selain konten dan visual, apakah campaign bs
trigger cust untuk take action abs liat campaign
Flow, di tahapan manapun branding ttep hrs jalan
biar cust inget terus
Brand: jaga audience, kasih awareness, bangun brand image, bangun kredibilitas, ciptain
value, kasih inspirasi emotional, long term
Promo: trigger consideration membeli (melengkapi saja)
Klo brand dikenal gd promo org bs beli, klo ad promo tp branding lemah org ragu2
1. Know ur purpose, set the goals
2. output
Skema diskon to the point, namany gampang
diinget, cust hrs bs bedain banner kita dan yg lain
3. Amplification channel
hrs tentuin channel yg tpt sesuai market au biar tepat sasaran
- Last step campaign performance
- GBV (Gross Book Value): Original (historical) price paid for an asset, without
any depreciation deduction
- Pake google analytic
- First timer hrs dikasi edukasi
- Swinger promo hunter pro gampang dicolek kontra cost gede, short term
- Loyalist hrs di stimulate dgn konten menarik, kasih claim emo, long term
Kasih motivational factor di slide 19
Scoring funnel, top of mind
Fitur usp pun short term krna produk inovasi kejer2an sma
kompetitor, brand promise yang bs bkin beda dri promise,
personality, n approach beda dr stiap brand
Brand lebi ke emotional yg longterm
promo bru functional short term
- Brand promise simpel
- Elemen logo, colour, identity brand
- personality jgn ganti2 dri fun bgt ke serius bgt
- Usp buat dpt attention n mreka consider pake produk kita
- saat kita bs mlih buat kasi investment yg longterm, plih itu
- se dini mngkin bgun brand, jgn stuck di au yg slalu mlih kita krna promo

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