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Emily Dickinson

1-good moirning evry one

2-today Iwill presnt to you about one of emily
3-and after I read I will explain to you the poem
in my analysis now I will raed the tatel
4-this is my analsis of the first stanz
5-eny one have opinon to share with as
6-thank you for listining now I will leva you with
my frends

Much Madness’ begins with a paradoxical line which equates

madness to divine sense. Dickinson talks about the insane society
which treats individuality as madness. If you agree with the
majority you are sane but if you raise objections you are considered
dangerous and need to be controlled. The madness versus sanity
theme of the poem can also be interpreted in various other ways
.adding to the popularity of the poem
-:Poem 
– Much Madness is divinest Sense 
– To a discerning Eye 

the poem – Much Sense – the starkest Madness 

Tis the Majority‘ 
– In this, as all, prevail 

– Assent – and you are sane 

– Demur – you’re straightway dangerous 
– And handled with a Chain 

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