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Opening Hook /First Sentence Generally speaking, everyone of us will shake like a leaf at hearing the word 'Exam.

Opinion Well, it is time to get a grip on yourself because I am going to share with you the three best ways to revise for
an examination.
Thesis Statement The three ways are doing revision before exams, going through our notes and preparing revision timetable.
Body 1 Connector In the first place,
Topic sentence we must revise our work before exams.

Elaboration/Example In order to have an effective revision, we should stay focus by finding a quiet and well-lit room to work in. This
helps us remember all the things that we have studied some time ago. Therefore, doing revision helps us
Concluding sentence retain information more effectively and this gradually boosts our confidence when doing our examination.
Body 2 Connector Moreover, (In addition to that, Furthermore….)
Topic sentence we should review our study notes regularly and ask our teachers if we find anything that is unclear to us.
Elaboration/Example By doing so, we are able to learn key points on a particular content without memorizing excessive
Concluding sentence Thus, going through our notes makes our learning and revision more productively .
Body 3 Connector Last but not least,
(Support /
Contrast) Topic sentence in order to study smartly, we can prepare a revision timetable.
Elaboration/Example A plan of work for each day will ensure that we do not waste our precious time on activities not related to
Concluding sentence Hence, a well-planned study schedule helps us allocate our time effectively
Conclusion Restate topic sentences In a nutshell, we must revise our lessons, study our notes and plan a revision timetable before our exams .
Opinion/thought However, this does not mean that we work all the time, so it is equally important that we should have
adequate rest and sleep. 1

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