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• Microsoft Windows, also called Windows and Windows OS, computer operating system (OS)

developed by Microsoft Corporation to run personal computers (PCs). Featuring the first graphical
user interface (GUI) for IBM-compatible PCs, the Windows OS soon dominated the PC market.
Approximately 90 percent of PCs run some version of Windows.The first version of Windows,
released in 1985, was simply a GUI offered as an extension of Microsoft’s existing disk operating
system, or MS-DOS. Based in part on licensed concepts that Apple Inc. had used for its Macintosh
System Software, Windows for the first time allowed DOS users to visually navigate a virtual
desktop, opening graphical “windows” displaying the contents of electronic folders and files with
the click of a mouse button, rather than typing commands and directory paths at a text prompt.

• Mac OS is the computer operating system for Apple Computer's MacIntosh

line of personal computers and workstations. A popular feature of its latest
version, Mac OS X , is a desktop interface with some 3-D appearance
characteristics. OS X has a modular design intended to make it easier to add
new features to the operating system in the future. It runs UNIX applications
as well as older Mac applications.Mac OS comes with Apple
Computer's iMac and Power Macintosh line of computers.

• Linux® is an open source operating system (OS). An operating

system is the software that directly manages a system’s hardware
and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between
applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of
your software and the physical resources that do the work.Think
about an OS like a car engine. An engine can run on its own, but it
becomes a functional car when it’s connected with a transmission,
axles, and wheels. Without the engine running properly, the rest of
the car won’t work.

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