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Billboard advert

•To create my billboard advert, I had to take a landscape

photo to capture the attention of people in cars and
traffic lights. To create shock factor resulting in attention I
took a photo of a teenaged boy(actor) in a camouflaged
tech fleece urban outfit, in black Nike gloves with a Ted
Baker cross body bag to reflect popular teenaged UK boy
fashion, dead on the pavement.  I also used a black BMX
bike as a prop because UK teenaged boys usually travel
to places with a bike and usually seen dead with their
bike on the floor. This will allure teenagers to
the advert and self-identify with the teenager in
the advert, making them imagine them lying dead on
the ground if they carried a knife. Fear mongering them
not to carry a knife or this will be the consequence.  
Step 1
•To turn my photo into an advert, I got a found image of a knife off the
internet because it's illegal to carry a knife outside for safety purposes. I
transferred the image of Adobe Photoshop and clicked on the eraser
tool to get rid of the white background of the found image. I then
placed the knife on my key image, manipulating the image to seem as
though he has been stabbed by a knife. 
Step 2
•I then went on and used the "LEMON MILK" type font to design my
slogan which is "#Keep a Life, Not a Kinfe". I chose this font because it was black and bold,
which would make my message/slogan stand out for people to see in their cars, which is
billboard worthy. This slogan explains the image that teenage boys should not carry or
offend with a knife, as it comes with a consequence of death and murder. This will bring
forth guilt to teenage boys who are thinking about offending a person with a knife, as it is a
"lose lose" situation. On Adobe Photoshop I used the magic eraser tool to separate the text
from their white background and placed my slogan at the bottom left of my advert. 
Step 3 
•I then changed the colour of the photo to
make it look tragic and dejected by clicking
on the black and white filter, making it black
and white. In addition, I then included the
S.I.F.T. logo on the key image, so that the
audience can see what campaign is producing
this advert, leading them into getting more
information about knife crime by searching
the logo up online.
Step 4

•I then went on to add more

anchorage text copy and chose the "LEMON
MILK" type font for the rhetorical question "If
you saw it would you ignore it?". This
rhetorical question along with the key image
evokes guilt as it translates to the audience
that if they ignore this advert, they are
continuing to let vulnerable teenagers get
killed. I also added another statement with the
rhetorical question "Help stop the knife crime
epidemic", warns people that knife crime is a
deadly plague in the UK, especially London,
inducing them to help because it causes them
and their family members to be in danger as
well. On Adobe Photoshop, I could not see
both anchorage copy clearly so I changed the
colour to white by using the paint bucket tool.
For the "Help stop the knife crime epidemic" I
duplicated the layer and then used the eraser
tool to erase the rest of the text except for
"stop". Afterwards, I went to the layers
blending options and clicked on the colour
overlay effect, this made the text "stop" red. I
chose this only word to be pigmented in red to
symbolise warning and alarm to the audience
to help terminate knife crime killing children.
The red also makes the audience indicate how
crucial knife crime is, making them take my
advert seriously. Click to add text
Final Evaluation
•In this billboard  advert, included the pathos
technique by creating a photo of a teenaged
boy dead on the floor by a knife in black and
white. The black and white filter gives the
photo a dark, and a decay of death look which
correlates to him dead, which brings emotion
and devastation to the audience. I used the
pathos technique to evoke an emotional
response of fear for my primary audience which
is teenaged boys to not go down the knife
crime route because of this deadly
consequence. Furthermore, sympathy for
secondary audience which are utopians, people
who want to make the world a better place and
puritans, people who want to feel they have
done their duty. This psychographic of people
are useful for my advert to be aimed at them
because they are more likely to help my
advert get recognition by spreading the advert
to other teenagers for more prevention of
knives and create other funds and campaigns to
stop knife from my advert inspiration. In
addition, I utilized the logos technique to bring
forth an obvious logic and reason that teenaged
boys seem to ignore by the fact that if you carry
a knife and use it on a person you could murder
a person and not only affect the victim's life but
your life. That is why my slogan is to "Keep a
life, Not a knife". 

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