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Basics of Numerology Components or

Numerology Core Numbers:

Five "Numerology Components" or "Numerology Core Numbers" that
make up the foundation of an individual -

Numerology Life Path Number

Numerology Date of Birth Number
Numerology Name Number
Numerology Soul Number
Numerology Personality Number
Knowing the above needs a strong basis of knowing the inert nature of all numbers
in numerology.

Number Traits:-

Numerology Core Number One: governing planet is sun. A number 1 is an innovator

or natural leader. A number one should learn to be: original, creative, forceful,
determined, ambitious, bold, self-controlled and self-confident and not to be bossy,
selfish, limited, egotistical, weak-minded, arrogant, a bully, domineering. Out of the
box thinker, fearless, individualistic. Material success is good but they tend to be
stubborn and difficult to handle at times.
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