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Employee Performance and Sick Day Analysis

Week 5 - Deandre Johnson


⇒ To understand the relationship between employee performance ratings and

the number of sick days taken each year

This report will discuss the following:

● Planning Template
● Analysis Criteria
● Results and Discussion
Plan - Hypothesis & Data Sources


- Null - There is no relationship between employee performance ratings and the number
of sick days they take each year
- Alternative - There is a relationship between employee performance ratings and the
number of sick days they take each year

* Primary data was collected by coworker from organizational records


● Sample size - 50 Participants

● Mean
○ Performance Rating - 56.06
○ Sick Days - 8.9
● Median
○ Performance Rating - 65
○ Sick Days - 8.5
● Mode
○ Performance Rating - 67
○ Sick Days - 10
● Standard Deviation
○ Performance Rating - 28.65
○ Sick Days - 5.88

* Analysis Procedure - Measurements calculated through Microsoft Excel

Statistical tests used:

- Analysis of Correlation
- The a value lies between -1 and +1
Results & Discussion

R = -0.578
Results & Discussion

***Given the results, we can conclude that there is a negative correlation between performance ratings
and the number of sick days taken in a year

- The results demonstrated a significant negative relationship between performance and the number of
sick days taken
- Given the general trend, it’s safe to infer that this data can be extrapolated to the overall organization

Recommendation - The organization should attempt to discourage unwarranted sick days, in order to
maintain higher performance levels.

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