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Third Year

Oral Test
Unit 03

Mrs. Iliana Arnáiz

Oral Test - A
A: Tell me, _______. Do you think I’m smart?
B: You certainly are. You’re the smartest person I know.
A: And, do you think I’m kind?
B: Of course. You are the kindest person in our class.
A: Really? I think you are the nicest person in our class.
B: Thanks. What do you think about the new student?
A: I think he’s very shy. In my opinion he’s the shiest student.
B: Yes. I agree with you.
A: And, how about Mrs. Green. What do you think about her? B: For me,
she’s the most patient teacher in our school.
A: Yes, you’re right.
Oral Test - B
A: Listen, ______. I think Aunt Mary is very talented.
B: She certainly is. She’s the most talented person in our family.
She can do many things and play many instruments.
A: You’re right. And Uncle Charles is a very responsible person.
B: Yes, he is. I think he’s the most responsible.
A: Did you know that they moved to a new apartment?
B: No, I didn’t. Who told you that?
A: Mom did. She said their new apartment is larger now.
B: Why don’t we visit them?
A: Good idea. Let’s ask Mom to come with us.
B: Great.
Oral Test - C
A: How do you like Altomayo coffee, Mom?
B: I think it’s delicious. It’s much more delicious than the coffee
we usually drink.
A: I agree with you, Mom. I think Altomayo coffee is the most
delicious coffee in Peru.
B: And how do you like your new bicycle, _______?
A: It’s really fast. It’s much faster than my old bicycle.
B: I agree with you, ______. I guess it’s the fastest bicycle in our
city. You have to be careful when you ride it.
A: Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll be very careful.

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