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Introduction to

by Pictone Prints
What w e ' ll di sc uss
You r Pr o fe s so r
Why Stu d y H is t o r y ?
History v s T h e P a s t
l y ze H i st o ry
How to Ana
Class R e q u ir e m e n t s
Our Ba s i c A n a l y s i s
Insert a quote here
about your topic.

• Presentations are communication tools that
can be used.
• Presentations are communication tools that
can be used as speeches, reports, and more.

• Presentations are communication tools that

can be used.
• Presentations are communication tools that
can be used.
Why Track
Study History?
Presentations are communication tools that can
be used as speeches, reports, and more.

Find Patterns
Presentations are communication tools that can
be used as speeches, reports, and more.

Understand the World

Presentations are communication tools that can
be used as speeches, reports, and more.
Politics Factor of History
Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools communication tools
that can be used as that can be used as
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
more. more.

Society Individuals
Presentations are Presentations are
communication tools communication tools
that can be used as that can be used as
speeches, reports, and speeches, reports, and
more. more.
Homework for next class
Presentations are communication tools that
can be used as demonstrations, lectures,
speeches, reports, and more. Most of the
time, they’re presented before an audience.
Presentations are communication tools that
can be used as speeches, reports, and more.
Thank You
for listening!

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