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Super Tiatns
Super titans HE
• Hello you have alraedy heard about titans yes those scary monsters to
scare people in books so today we are gona take a look at them and
answer a scary question and also we are taking the sample of them to
create super titans so first what are titans are creatures like humans
but are very tall strong and are very very very huge giants also known
as super titans but these titans are different from any other titans
because the are even bigger than the titans you know once but now
the major question is what are super titians well the super titan is
very tall strong and very very very huge titans that you known but the
vital question is who invented super tians well super titans were
created to kill titans but whith some issues they wer,nt able to do that
• So in the last book page we talked about titans super which are lot
bigger than normal titans but have you ever wonderd what in the
heck how created them well the answer is the brother of who
created titans and if don’t now how crated titans do check our video
how created titans the link is in the descripsition box so
s what are
titans super basically super titans are titans bigger than you have seen

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