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Where to Begin

 Like all businesses, medical practices should develop

an annual business plan. Along with goals for

 Typically, the annual plan focuses on reviewing the

current year and projecting operations into the next
period. Strategic planning includes the basic
components of the annual plan, but also includes
goals that go well beyond the next year.
Some definitions
Strategic Planning
 Doing Things On Purpose, For Good Reason, and
With Good Information

 Strategic planning is a “Systematic process of

envisioning a desired future and translating this
vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a
sequence of steps to achieve them.” (

Strategic planning is a visionary process that
results in major, long-range and far-reaching
strategic directions or goals for the future

 Strategic plans provide the foundation for

operational planning in the form of policies,
procedures, and strategies for obtaining and using
resources to achieve those directions
What is Strategic Planning?
 “Strategic planning is a formal process designed to
help an organization maintain an optimal alignment
with the most important elements of its
environment” (Rowley, Lujan, & Dolence, 1997, p. 15).

 The strategic planning process supplies the

organization with tools that promote future thinking,
applies the systems approach, allows for setting goals
and strategies, provides a common framework for
decisions and communications, and relies on
measuring performance (Steiner,
Why do Strategic Planning?
 If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail – be
proactive about the future
 Strategic planning improves performance
 Counter excessive inward and short-term thinking
 Solve major issues at a macro level
 Communicate to everyone what is most important
Strategic Planning Session
 An interactive planning session through open
discussion, consensus and commitment to a course
of action to achieve desired outcomes.

 The next step is to identify where the practice is


 Once the current situation is summarized, the

practice can develop its vision for the future. This last
phase of the planning retreat includes development
of goals, objectives, strategies and action plans.
How to proceed?
 Strategic planning begins with a work session
involving physicians as well as top

 An independent, experienced and knowledgeable

facilitator should be selected by the practice to
guide the process to ensure impartiality and

 comparative analysis
Put the strategic plan in writing so there is a
blueprint for implementation and monitoring.
It is important to include each of these

 • Introduction — mission statement

 • Practice summary — current situation analysis
 • Vision for the practice and practice goals
 • Strategies and objectives
 • Assignment of responsibility and monitoring and
evaluation techniques
Strategic Management: Model
Scan External Identify Strategic
Environment Factors

Evaluate Current: Implementing Strategy

•Mission Define New: via Changes in:
•Mission Strategic:
•Goals SWOT •Corporate •Structure
•Grand Strategy •Business •Human resources
•Grand Strategy
•Functional •Information &
Scan Internal
control systems
• Core Identify Strategic
Competence Factors

•Synergy •Strengths
•Value •Weaknesses
Strategic Planning Model
W h e r e w e ar e Where we want to be How we will do it How are we doing

A ssessment B aseline C omponents D own to E valuate


• Environmental Scan • Situation – Past, • Mission & Vision • Performance • Performance

Present and Future Measurement
• Background • Significant Issues • Values / Guiding • Targets / Standards of • Review Progress –
Information Principles Performance Balanced Scorecard
• Situational Analysis • Align / Fit with • Major Goals • Initiatives and • Take Corrective
Capabilities Projects Actions

• SWOT – Strength’s, • Gaps • Specific Objectives • Action Plans • Feedback upstream –

Weaknesses, revise plans

Matt H. Evans,
A s s e s s m e n t Model: A ssessment

Internal Assessment: Organizational

assets, resources, people, culture,
systems, partnerships, suppliers, . . .

External Assessment: Marketplace,

competitor’s, social trends, technology,
regulatory environment, economic cycles .


G o od Points Possible Pitfalls

• Easy to Understand • Needs to be
• Apply at any Analytical and
organizational level Specific
• Be honest about your
Matt H. Evans,
Strategic Management: PEST Analysis
A scan of the external macro-
environmen t in which the firm
operates can be expressed in terms
of the following factors:
 Political
 Economic
 Social
 Technological
Why create a baseline?

 Puts everything about the organization into a

single context for comparability and planning
 Descriptive about the organization, as well as
the overall environment
 Include information about relationships –
customers, suppliers, partners and stakeholders
 Preferred format is the Organizational Profile
Major C o m p o n e n t s of the C omponents
Strategic Plan / D o w n to Action

Strategic Pla n

Ac tio n P la ns
Mission W h y w e exist
Evaluate Progr ess

Vision What w e want to be

G oals W h a t w e m u s t ac h ie ve to b e s u cc es s f ul

O bje c tiv es O1 Specif ic o u t c o m e s exp ressed in

m e a s u r a b l e t e rm s ( N O T activities)

Initiativ es P l a n n e d Ac t i o n s to
AI1 AI2 AI3 A ch i e ve Ob j ect ives

Measures I n di cat ors a n d

M1 M2 M3 Monitors of success

Targets T1 T1 T1 Desired level o f

performance and
ti meli nes
Matt H. Evans,
Mission & Vision Statements
 Captures the essence of why the organization exists
– Who we are, what we do
 Explains the basic needs that you fulfill
 Expresses the core values of the organization

 How the organization wants to be perceived in the
 An expression of the desired end state, a long-term
focus for the entire organization
Core Values & Goals
Core Values
 Provides an underlying framework for making decisions –
part of the organization’s culture often rooted in ethical

 A goal is a specific statement of the desired results to be
achieved over a specified period of time. They shapes
the way ahead in actionable terms.
D o w n to

3 6
Matt H. E v an s , ma t t @e x i nf m .c om
 Tasks/Actions to be achieved

 An objective is a measurable statement or incremental

milestone which specifies a change or benefit that the
entity hopes to achieve as it strives to achieve a specific

 May need several objectives to meet a goal

 Objectives should be S M A R T
(S – Simple, M – Measurable, A – Attainable, R – Realistic, T – Time
Action Plans & Initiatives?
 The Action Plan identifies the specific steps that will
be taken to achieve the initiatives and strategic

 Each Initiative has a supporting Action Plan(s) attached

to it

 They describe who does what, when it will be completed,

and how the organization knows when steps are completed

 Like Initiatives, Action Plans require the monitoring of

Policy & Procedures
 Policy: (Any decision or rule to a specific issue)
A policy enables or restricts actions, providing specific
information about the ends, the entity desires to
achieve. It is a direction for the leadership and staff .

 Procedure (A methodology or pathway)

Procedures specify how to accomplish any policy. It is a
set of activities which are aimed at planned outputs.
What Resources?
How to Link?
Every Action Plan should identify the following:

 The human resources needed to succeed

 The time resources needed to succeed

 The financial resources needed to succeed

 The physical resources (facilities, technology,

etc.) needed to succeed

Matt H. Evans,
Strategy Evaluation
The implementation of the strategy must be monitored
and adjusted as needed.
Evaluation and control consists of the following steps:
 Define parameters to be measured
 Define target values for those parameters
 Perform measurements
 Compare measured results to the pre-defined standard
 Make necessary changes
Criteria for Good Evaluation
 Integrity
 Reliability
 Accuracy
 Timeliness
 Confidentiality & Security
 Suitability
 Feasibility
 Acceptability
Targets (The aim for the period)
• For each measurement, you should have at
least one target
• When you reach your targets, you
have successfully executed your
Continuous Feedback
through the Balanced Scorecard
 Use of Balanced Scorecard framework to organize and
report actionable components.

 Scorecard is used for managing the execution of


 Scorecard “forces” us to look at different perspectives

and take into account cause-effect relationships.

 It improves how you communicate strategies.

Continuous Improvement
• Competent strategy execution entails
visible, unyielding managerial
best practices
commitment to best practices and
and continuous improvement.
co m m itm ent
• Benchmarking, the discovery and
to continuous
adoption of best practices, and six
im p
sigma initiatives all aim at improved
ro vem ent
efficiency, better product, and greater
customer satisfaction. 51

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