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Chapter 2 Getting Started

Basic Program Structure

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { }
Lesson 2.1

Header Location of header files Primary function

Marks beginning of function body object cout << This is C++!; string C++ statement characters within
double quotes insertion operator used to print to terminator semicolon: statement screen

Marks end of function body

C++ Syntax

for writing statements  Semicolon serve as statement terminator  Case sensitivity  Blank spaces  Spacing  Accepted modifications
Lesson 2.1


in program describing what code does  Perform no action in program  Single line comment structure
Begin with two slashes (no space between) // Line by itself or following statement

comment structure
starts comment ends comment

Uses delimiters /* comments */

Lesson 2.2

Creating a Banner

of comments at beginning of program

//*********************** // Name: Sally Student // Purpose: Assignment 2 // Date: 11/22/2003 // Reference: Chapter 2, #3 //*********************** #include <iostream> . . .

name parameters used history author purpose date of program

Lesson 2.2

Creating New Lines in Output

 Programmer  Line

must specify new line


\n in string constant cout << \nwe can jump\n\ntwo lines.; endl manipulator we can jump cout << endl<<we can jump ; cout << endl<< endl <<two lines.;
two lines. Lesson 2.3

Connecting Strings

use backslash at end of line to indicate string constant to continue with next line cout << This will \ continue on same line. ; is equivalent to

cout << This will continue on same line.;

Lesson 2.3

Character Escape Sequences


escape sequences exist for formatting  Full listing in Table 2.1  Examples:
\t \v \% \
Lesson 2.3

horizontal tab vertical tab displays percent character displays double quote


in program called bug  Process of looking for and correcting bugs  Three types of errors
Syntax Run-time Logic

Lesson 2.4

Syntax Errors

by violating grammar rules  Diagnosed by C++ compiler  Must fix before compiler will translate code spelling cout << endl; coot int main ( ) ( mismatched parentheses

Lesson 2.4

Run-Time Errors

of rules during execution of

program  Computer displays message during execution and execution is terminated  Error message may help locating error

Lesson 2.4

Logic Errors

does not recognize  Difficult to find  Execution is complete but output is incorrect  Programmer checks for reasonable and correct output

Lesson 2.4

Debugging Example
#<include iostream> # include <iostream> using namespace std; OK using namespace std; int main ( ) int main ( ); { ( cout << Hello world!; cout << Hello world! cout << Hello again, endl; cout << Hello again<< endl; // Next line will output a name! // Next line will output a name! cout << Sally Student; ccut << Sally Student; /* Next line will /* Next line will output another name */ output another name /* cout << John Senior ; cout << John Senior; } }

Learned about:

program structure  Rules of C++ syntax  Creating comments and program banners  Using escape sequences to format output  Debugging programs  Three types of errors: syntax, run-time, logic

Chapter 2

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