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Little Red Ridding

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Red.

One day, her mother told her to take

some food to her Granny who lived
on the other side of the very
gloomy and horrible forest, but she
also warned her not to speak with
strangers. (Hyperbole)
While she was crossing the woods,
she met a Wolf who asked her
where she was going. (Alliteration)
Unfortunatelly, she forgot her
mother’s warning and told him that
she was going to visit her Granny
who was as sick as a dog. (Simile)
After that, the Wolf ran to
Granny’s house faster than
Red, ate Granny and put on
her clothes. (Assonance)
When Red arrived, the Wolf
pretended to be Granny, and
as Red was not very
intelligent, the Wolf was able
to eat her too! Crunch!
Crunch! (Litotes) (Onomatopoeia and
Fortunatelly, a woodcutter
was passing by, heard the
noise and saved Granny and

The End

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