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7 habits of a highly happy

young soul
I N S P I R E D B Y T H E B O O K : 7 H A B I T S O F H I G H LY E F F E C T I V E
Habit #1 Be proactive
According to the book:
Watch the video:
Imagine: Zach
“Being proactive: Like a cherry on top of the cake”
Imagine there is a birthday party and the party organizer asks Zach to pass the tray with food and
serve people or simply collect the trash. He refuses to do the task. Proactively, Maya offers help
to serve the food and help with the clean up.

“What am I going to win with this?” – wonders Zach.

“How can serve and be helpful?” – thinks Maya.

Because Zach thinks the ‘job’ is somehow humiliating, he decides not to, and instead, he decides
to enjoy the party and does not care about the hard work at all.

Maya, instead, help serving and still have fun with her friends.
By the end of the party, the party organizer’s mom asks everybody to help with the clean up. Everybody decides
to help except for Zach. He sits on the sofa, cross his arms and waits until everybody finishes the cleaning.

- Wow! We have lots of extra food in the kitchen – says mom. Come here and help yourself, everybody.

- The teens fill their disposable plates with delicious cake, pastries and appetizers.

- Zach goes to the kitchen to check ‘what is going on’. - Can I have a piece of cake... Actually, Can I have that
piece with a cherry on top?

- Mom replies: Life is not easy, my friend. In order to get, you need to learn how to give without thinking about
having a reward. Go ahead get a broom, clean those tables, I will check if we have any cake left.

- Maya, do you want an extra piece of cake, sweetie?

“Quem se exalta eh rebaixado e quem se humilha exaltado.”

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