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I Will Serve Others

Here is a story about a girl

who showed love to others
by telling them about things
that will help them.
Let’s Talk About It
If you were the servant girl who was
far away from home and family
because you were a slave of Naaman,
would you still help him when he got
sick? Why?
Values I Learned
A child like you has many chances to
help someone who is older, or someone
who has a position in church or
Can you think of ways you can serve
them in their work?
• Let’s understand that we
should not be ashamed of
being a servant.
• Let’s be thankful that we
can serve God even in the
little things we do for Him.
Keep It:
Therefore, as we have
opportunity, let us do good to all
people, especially to those who
belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:10
God wants us to be a

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