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Easy Average

Puzzle Me

You are task to puzzle the pictures and

arrange the “Life Cycle of Butterfly” in
Present and explain your work in class.
Matching Type

You are task to match the words and the

sentences in order to know the “Life Cycle
of Butterfly”
Present and explain your work in class.
Daily Routine

You are task to create a simple daily

routine of your life. Do your work in
sequence form.
Present and explain your work in class.
Egg: Butterflies typically lay their eggs on or under leaves, or other food that the
caterpillar can eat. They are teeny tiny, so you might be hard pressed to find butterfly
eggs in the wild.
Caterpillar (larva): The next stage in a butterfly’s life cycle is the caterpillar. It will eat
and eat, shedding its skin multiple times as it gets bigger. (kind of like how the Very
Hungry Caterpillar eats so much)
Chrysalis: This is a pretty special time! The caterpillar finds a concealed place to build its
chrysalis. While in the chrysalis, the caterpillar form breaks down to form the adult
butterfly, complete with wings!
Butterfly: After completing its transformation, the butterfly will emerge from the
chrysalis, spread its wings to dry, and begin to fly! Butterflies feed only on liquids like
water and nectar from flowers.
Guide Questions
• What have you observed in the activity?
• Did you find it hard to do the activity?
• Why do you think you need to arrange
or create the activity in order?
• Based on the activity we had, what do
you think is our strategy?
Thank you for

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