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By Divya kaushik
What is Cloud?

The term cloud refers to a Network or

Internet. In other words, we can say
that cloud is something, which is
present at remote location. Cloud can
provide services over network, i.e- on
public networks or private networks.
Networks such as e-mail, web
conferencing, customer relationship
management (CRM), all run in cloud.
What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud allows network-based access to

communication tools like emails and
calendars. Whatsapp is also a cloud-
based infrastructure as it comes in
communication it is also one of the
examples of cloud computing. All the
messages and information are stored
in service providers hardware.
Cloud computing Architecture
Benefits of Cloud Computing

 Drive down costs

 Accessibility
 Productivity
 Pay structure
 Access to automatic
 Business Continuity
Pros Cons

● Reduced IT costs.
● Data loss or theft.
● Access to automatic updates
● Data leakage.
● Business continuity
● Account or service hijacking
● Automatic Software Integration
● Technical Issues
● Back-up and restore data
● Internet Connectivity
● Unlimited storage capacity.
● Security Threat in the Cloud
Types of Cloud Computing
● Public Cloud- Services are available for the public users.

● Private Cloud- It is build up with existing private infrastructure.

● Hybrid Cloud- In which applications are running in a combination of

different environments.

● Community Cloud- It is a infrastructure in which multiple organizations

share resources and services based on common requirements.

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