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Materi 2 Bahasa Inggris

Offering Things wajib XI /GASAL

• When you offersomeone something you can

use the following points.
May I .....?
Can I ....?
Shall I ....?
Would you ....?
How about ....?
May I help you?
Can I help you?
Shall I have you a cup of tea?
Would you like another cup of coffee?
How about helping you?
May, Can,Shall,Would adalah modals
Setelah modals diikuti kata kerja 1
About , by,after,dll adalah preposition. Setelah
preposition diikuti kata kerja bentuk -ing
Accepting Offers
(Menerima tawaran)
• Yes, please. I really appreciate it
• Thank you, it is very kind of you
Declining/Refusing Offers
(Menolak tawaran)
• It’s okey, I can do it myself
• Don’t worry, I will do it myself.
At a drug store
Woman : Good evening. Can I help you?
Man : Could I have tablets of diapets?
1.What is the woman possibly?
2.What is the man?
3.What is the intention of the underlined words?
Man : Good evening, Madam. Here is the list of
baverage and menu.
Woman : I would like to have a cup of coffee and
a plate of chicken steak.
1.What is the man?
2.What is the woman?
Boy : May I have you a bottle of cold coca?
Girl : Yes, please. Withmy pleasure
Boy : How about sandwich?
Girl : No, thank you. I can take by myself.
1.Which sentence is to offer something?
2.Which sentence is to show accepting an offer?
3.Which sentence is to show refusing an offer?

Man : The room is too hot.

Boy : Can I help you opening the doors and
windows, sir?
Man : No, no. Don’t worry I can do it by myself.
1.Which sentence is to offer help?
2.Which sentence is to show refusing an offer?
3.What are the man and the boy?
Girl : How about having dinner at my house
Boy : I am sorry I have an appointment tonight.
Other day perhaps.
1.What are the girl and the boy do you think?
2.What does the girl

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