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literal meaning
The word tawheed has been
derived from the Arabic roots ‫و ح د‬
it literally means oneness and
Technical meaning
It technically means that Allah is
one in His being and attributes,
He is the only one who is worthy
.to be worshiped and obeyed
The three kinds can be derived from the
Tawheed in being: It means that Allah has no
relationship with any one.
Tawheed in atributes: the divine attributes are
confined to the being of Allah taa’la. Like the
creation and providing.
Tawheed in worship: Only Allah ta’la is worthy
to be worshiped
Importance of the
concept of Tawheed
It is the most fundamental and important
teaching of Muhammad (S.A.W.S).
The polytheists of Makkah denied the oneness
not the existence of Allah.
.‫• ما نعبدهم إال ليقربونا إلى هللا زلفى‬
......‫ب هذاالبيت‬,‫ فاليعبدوا ر‬....... ‫• إليلف قريش إيالفهم‬
.‫• أال كل شيئ ما خال هللا باطل‬
•It differentiates a true Muslim from a Kafir.
The monotheist is Muslim and polytheist is
kafir although they believe in existence of
•It is the basic teaching of Quran. The other

subjects are either secondary things or they

are arguments for the oneness of Allah.
•It is the concept which has been propagated
by all the Prophets because it is the common
message in all the religions.
•All the previous nations have been doomed

because of its denial except two nations: 1 st is

Of Shuaib (A.S) and the 2nd is of Loot (A.S)
who were doomed for committing the sins.
Gate way to Islam
The primary kalima of Islam.
‫ال إله إال هللا محمد رسول هللا‬.
It is to be recited for interring into the circle
of Islam.
the real difference lies in confession and
action accordingly. So one is perfect
Muslim and the other is non-perfect
The meaning of Ilah
The word ,‫له‬,,‫ إ‬has plural in Arabic language
as this word is used for the deities in
different religions.
One who is worshipped, because of
Rational vindication of
the concept of
Position of Man
He is weak and he needs. He is not self
sufficient. Every one needs co-operation.
Man’s desires and achievements
Man struggles to get his targets which he gets
sometimes and does not sometime. The results
do not depend upon the struggle of human.
There are some other factors for it.
Good grades in exams, good jobs and etc.
Human think of the things which interfere in
our destiny.
 It can be the great objects of the universe

like sun , moon ,stars , fire and etc.

 It can be also the mysterious powers

which are not seen.

The great objects of the universe: the
great things of the universe can not be
deities because they are not safe from
changes. a deity should not be like this.
Mysterious Powers: Human beings
thought of the powers which control the
huge objects of the universe.
Two ways
There are two ways after believing in
mysterious powers:
Way for polytheist: Unbeliever’s belief in
multiplicity of gods.
Way for monotheist: oneness of Allah.
Way for polytheist
Unbeliever’s belief in multiplicity of gods,
They thought that the deities are more in
For different works there are different
They considered the kingdom of God like
the earthly kingdoms.
Greatest deity
Greatest deity like head of the states and
the other deities for different works and
depends upon the order of the greatest
Way for monotheist

Oneness of Allah:
Two deities can not be for one system like
two kings cannot be for one country.
‫لو كان فيهما آلهة إال هللا لفسدتا‬
Two propositions
 Distribution of powers.
 Like in the worldly kingdom ministers for
different departments.
 Transfer of powers through rotation.
 To have the powers for some time and then
transferred to other deity.
Proposition no.1
Distribution of powers is not possible
because the deities will be dependent on
each other and deity is a being who in
Proposition no.2

:Transfer of powers through rotation

The powers are not transferable, because
the deities will have the powers at one time
and will be deprived of the same at another
.time which is shameful for a deity
So rational approach also justify oneness of
Allah taa’la. Although our belief does not
depend upon the rational vindication.
Bases for belief are:
Sayings of Allah.
Sayings of the holy prophet. (s.a.w.s.)

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