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Tips for a

healthy colon

The colon is the last portion of

the digestive system in most
vertebrates; extracts water
and salt from solid waste
before it is eliminated from the
Parts of the colon

the colon consists of four sections:

the ascending colon, the transverse
colon, the descending colon, and the
sigmoid colon. The colon, cecum,
and rectum make up the large
1. Eat fiber

2. Don't forget about Vitamin D

3. Don't put up with your urge to go

to the bathroom

4. Drink plenty of water

5. Exercise

6. Colonoscopy

7. Limit the consumption of red

meat and avoid processed meats
Eat two to three servings of
vegetables or salad a day.

Add whole grains (whole seed) or

fiber-enriched foods at least two or
three times a day.

Eat two to three pieces of whole

fruit a day

Consume legumes (beans,

chickpeas, lentils, etc.) at least twice
a week.
Take care of
your colon


Nicolas Gutierrez Celis

Jhon emilio gomez sanchez

Jean franco castillo

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