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Šolsko leto 2019/2020

Michela Sbuelz, 5.Z

Izmenjava šola - Staž v laboratoriju za

kvantno optiko, Ajdovščina

delo Tutorka: Tanusree Saha


❖ 18.2.2019 - 22.2.2019
❖ Ajdovščina, Laboratorij za kvantno optiko
❖ Notranja tutorka: prof. Danja Bregant
❖ Zunanja tutorka: Tanusree Saha
Experimental apparatus
Activities in the laboratory

❖ LASER and X-ray light sources

❖ photoemission spectroscopy on different materials
❖ get information on the basic processes occurring in
matter at molecular and atomic level
❖ applications in physics, biology, medicine
Photoemission spectroscopy

❖ photoemission - based on Einstein’s photoelectric effect

❖ spectroscopy - measurement of the intensity and the

energy of the emitted electrons
Photoelectric effect
❖ emission of electrons when a sufficient amount of energy
in the form of light (Elight=hν) is provided to them
❖ How much energy?

Wɸ + Ebin < hν

h - Planck’s constant
ν - frequency of light
Wɸ - Work function
Ebin - binding energy
Spontaneous emission

An electron absorbs the energy of the incoming photon and

reaches a higher energy level. The electron then decays and releases a photon.
Stimulated emission

❖ crystal Titanium Sapphire (Ti:SA)

❖ Emetastable (in the picture E2, between E1 and E3)

population inversion
Light amplification

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