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An earthquake is a sudden release of

energy accumulated in deformed rocks causing the ground to tremble or shake.

Factors contributing to vulnerability

Location of buildings along fault lines. Dense collection of weak buildings with high occupancy. Construction of buildings with heavy roofs.

Physical damage of buildings Casualties often high near the epicenter. Public health affected due to breakdown in sanitary conditions. Transport, electricity and communication severely affected.

How to cope:
Engineered structures designed to withstand ground shaking.
Houses built with wood and other light materials. Analysis of soil done before construction

Public awareness to be created through training programs. Damages from secondary effects such as fires, landslides to be reduced. Disaster management measures to be put in place.

They are temporary inundation of large regions as a result of an increase in reservoir, or of rivers flooding their banks because of heavy rains, high winds, cyclones, storm surge along coast, tsunami, melting snow or dam bursts.



Physical damage of structures due to excess waters. Casualties of people and livestock by drowning. Public health affected by outbreak of epidemics, diarrhoea and viral infections. Food shortage due to loss of entire harvest and spoiling of food grains.

How to cope:
Mapping of flood plain. Construction of engineered structures on elevated area, if necessary on stilts. Flood reduction techniques by reducing the runoff using reforestation, clearing debris from streams. Flood diversion by using levees, dams and channel improvement. Flood proofing by using sand bags, embankments, sealing of doors and windows etc.

It is an insidious natural hazard that results from a departure of precipitation from expected or normal that when extended over a season or longer period of time, is insufficient to meet the demands of human, plant and animal activities.


Drought, different from other natural disasters does not cause any structural damage. It results in loss of crops, dairy, timber It affects the biodiversity, causes ground water depletion and food shortage. It also causes migration and social unrest.

How to cope
Drought monitoring should be done. Water harvesting by allowing runoff from fields to a common point eg. ponds. Livelihood planning by identifying those livelihoods not affected by drought.

Watersheds For water supply conservation

Watersheds are geographic areas where the water flows to a common point. To mitigate drought, local communities conserve scarce water sources by draining the runoff into shallow aquifers or ponds.

Terrorist Attacks
All terrorist acts involve violence or the threat of violence. Terrorists attempt not only to create panic but also to weaken confidence in the government and political leadership of the target country.

How to cope:
In the event of a bomb scare:
Be on guard and do not touch anything. Be wary of things left on their own in public places. Inform the police and bomb squad. Avoid panic.

Chemical accidents

These happen in industrial facilities and may lead to fires, chemical leaks of poisonous gases or explosions.

Elements at risk
Industrial Systems Facilities Equipment Products Wastes

Environment Atmosphere Lithosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere

People Operators Population at risk Plant Manager

How to cope
Hazard mapping of toxins storage locations should be done and local community informed. Land use planning with buffer zone of green belt between industrial and residential area maintained. Community preparedness with mock drills should be conducted.

Air Traffic Accidents

These occur due to technical problems, fire, landing and take off conditions, the environment an airline works in and airport security.

How to cope

Stay calm. Listen to instructions given by crew members. Do not open any emergency exit yourself. Remember smoke rises. Therefore, try to stay down if there is smoke in the cabin. Follow the track of the emergency lights in the cabin.


CBSE textbook on Disaster Management for Standard IX. The Internet for images and information.

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