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Problem Definition:

Our current generation is drowining in a sea of

information which is mostly pessimistic and has a
negative outlook on life, this is detrimental for society
as a whole as it effects the morale of future leaders.
Good News ! Idea
A platform which is designed for only positive,
optimistic news
Target Audience
Young adults, Children
Build a podcast which talks about all the good things
happening in the world
Action Plan
1. Publicise the benefits of being optimistic and the dire
lack of it in today’s news channels
2. Create a podcast on Anchor ( which routes it into all
other channels)
3. Have a dedicated content staff, which selects positive
Good News ! 4.
news and creates a 5-10 mins run for the day
Grow your exposure to enable maximum outreach
Not much ! A computer, an internet connection and a
friend who can help you with the content. If the idea scales
then we can expand the content creators as required

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