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Position and Order of

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Position and Order of Adjectives

We can use most adjectives before a noun or after a linking

verb (be, become, feel, get, look, seem, smell, sound, taste,

He’s an excellent cook! His cooking is delicious.

Position and Order of Adjectives

When we use more than one adjective to describe a noun,

we use this order:
opinion size age shape colour origin material purpose
nhận xét kích cỡ độ mới, cũ hình dáng màu sắc nguồn gốc chất liệu mục đích

beautiful small old round brown Chinese wooden dining

Position and Order of Adjectives

There are some adjectives (e.g. alone, afraid, alive, annoyed,

asleep, glad…) that we do not usually put before a noun. We
can use them after a linking verb or use another adjective
with a similar meaning.

He lived a lonely life without many friends. (Correct)

He lived an alone life without many friends. (Incorrect)
Position and Order of
Part 1 Write the adjectives in the correct order.

new (A) black (C)

1 There were some (new, black) .....................................................
cars in front of the shop.
2 She was reading an (old,
interesting) (Op) old (A) book when I came
3 exciting
I went to(Op) new (A)toSpanish
the cinema see that(Or) (new, Spanish,
exciting) ..................................................................... movie.
4 On her birthday, (Op) maderound her(Sh) chocolatechocolate,
a (delicious, (M)
round) ............................................................................... cake.
Part 1 Write the adjectives in the correct order.

5 My sister was wearing a(n) (dirty, flannel, old, brown)

dirty (Op) old (A) brown (C) flannel (M)
………….......................................................................... shirt.
6 Can you reach those (blue, big, tea,
big (s) .....................................................................
plastic) blue (C) plastic (M) tea (n) cups on the top shelf?
7 He recently married a(n) (young, beautiful, tall, Greek,
blonde) (Op) tall (s) young (A) blonde (C) Greek (Or)
quality (Op) big
8 (leather, (s) pink
quality, big,(C)pink, Japanese
gaming,(Or) leather (M) gaming (P)
Japanese) ..............................................................................................................
......... chairs are on sale in the shop.
Part 2 Choose the correct adjective to complete the

1 Although he has few friends, he is by no means a lonely / an alone


2 Upon entering the house, I found a(n) asleep / sleeping dog on the

3 Some annoyed / angry man passed by the house and shouted

Part 2 Choose the correct adjective to complete the

4 Where
can youthey
put found a(n)
possible inliving / alive man in the abandoned house.
this sentence?
5 We
Theneed to think
story’s of put
ending the best solution
a glad / happytosmile
the problem.
on my face.

TheWe need to /think
frightened afraidofgirl
possibleinsolution possible
the corner to the
Part 3 Translate the following sentences into English.

1 Trên đường đi học, tôi nhìn thấy một chàng trai Hàn Quốc cao ráo đẹp trai.

On my way to school, I saw a handsome tall Korean guy / man.
2 Anh ta vừa được vợ mua cho một cái va li vuông vuông màu ngọc bích mới

He has just got a brand-new squarish jade suitcase from his wife.
Part 3 Translate the following sentences into English.

3 Mày có thấy chiếc xe đua nhập khẩu từ Lào tao mới mua ở đây không?

Have you seen the Lao(-imported) racing bike I just bought
4 Con around)
bé nhìn thấy mộthere?
người đàn bà thấp người, trạc tuổi trung niên với mái
tóc dài nhuộm màu cầu vồng ở trên sân trường.

The girl saw a short middle-aged woman with long rainbow-
coloured hair on the schoolyard.
Part 3 Translate the following sentences into English.

5 Cái máy vi tính hiện đại chuyên chơi game này có chứa sẵn chương trình
đồ họa mới nhất.
→ This modern gaming computer is pre-loaded with / contains the newest
graphic design software / programme.
6 Ở đây có bán quần nhung loại nhỏ màu tím mà hàng Đài Loan không?

Do you have / sell small purple Taiwanese velvet trousers here?
Part 3 Translate the following sentences into English.

7 Hôm qua, tôi mới xem một bộ phim hoạt hình Nhật mới cực hay.
→ I just saw a really good new Japanese animated movie / anime yesterday.

8 Tôi muốn mua một cái đồng hồ báo thức nhỏ hình tròn, hàng Việt Nam chất
lượng cao.
→ I would like / want (to buy) a high-quality small round Vietnamese alarm
Part 3 Translate the following sentences into English.

9 Bọn người ác ôn ấy đã tra tấn con chó tội nghiệp này bằng đủ mọi cách
kinh khủng nhất có thể.
→ Those cruel people have tortured this poor little dog in the worst ways
10 Ti-vi vừa chiếu một chương trình trẻ em rất hay mới ra của Úc.
→ There has been a very good new Australian children programme on TV.
Part 4 Choose from A, B, C or D the most suitable
answer for each question.

1 These are ................. sneakers.

A lovely running new
B lovely new running
C new lovely old
D new old lovely
2 This is such a ................. garden.
A large beautiful rose
B large rose beautiful
C beautiful rose large
D beautiful large rose
Part 4 Choose from A, B, C or D the most suitable
answer for each question.

3 Rosie is wearing a ................. dress.

A new orange large
B ugly leather green
C nice red old
D lovely short blue
4 What a ................. day.
A beautiful lovely
B sunny beautiful
C cloudy awful
D windy terrible
Part 4 Choose from A, B, C or D the most suitable
answer for each question.

5 I bought my nephew a ................. toy car.

A black and white
B nice beautiful
C small new
D all are correct
6 Japanese is famous for making ................. cars.
A reliable beautiful
B steel beautiful
C high-quality metal
D black spotless
Part 4 Choose from A, B, C or D the most suitable
answer for each question.

7 What is sleeping in “a sleeping bag”?

A opinion
B shape
C material
D purpose
8 What is sleeping in “a sleeping monkey”?
A opinion
B shape
C material
D purpose
Part 4 Choose from A, B, C or D the most suitable
answer for each question.

9 What is lonely in “a lonely old French man”?

A size
B age
C opinion
D purpose
10 What is china in “an old large china plate”?
A material
B opinion
C shape
D origin

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