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Faculty: Rema Gopalan

What is an organisation?

Defined as a group of human beings working together towards the attainment of certain common objectives. It is the framework of relationships among the persons in a group,specifiying the responsibilities,authorities and role of each.
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

What is Marketing Organisation?

A marketing organisation is simply a framework of planning and making decisions in the key marketing activities that are essential to marketing success.


Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Why a Marketing Organisation?

Need for marketing organisation arises due to:

Lack of spontaneity Over-riding personal goals The nature of organisational job Defining official relations Ensuring functional performance Optimising the managerial inputs Encouraging newness
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Alternative Patterns of Marketing Organisation


Functional Organisation Product Based Organisation Customer Based Organisation Geographic/Territory Based Organisation Combined/Complex Organisation
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Functional Organisation

A functional organisation is divided into specialised marketing functions like selling,advertising,marketing research, customer service,pricing and so on. Marketing activities are organised according to the types of duties performed and the decision-making authority and coordination are highly centralised
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Product Based Organisation

Applied by large business firms dealing with a multitude of products. This is an arrangement where in the closely related products are grouped together and that group is assigned to a particular product manager. If there are many brands within the same product, each brand may be assigned to an individual manager who is known as brand manager.
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Customer Based Organisation

A group of customers with similar needs and a common link between them constitute a market. When different markets, rather than functions or products form the basis for differentiating marketing roles, the organisation is known as marketcentered or customer based organisation.
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Geographic/Territory Based Organisation

Large organisations serve large geographical areas, the total market area requires breaking it into smaller units to reduce logistic costs A national market is divided into regions, districts and territories on regional basis and each region has its own sales force. E.g., Johnson and Johnson Ltd.
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

Combined/Complex Organisation

Organisations with diversified product range and serving extensive markets prefer a complex design i.e., combination of different types of organisation forms based on products,function,geography or the customer
Module-I Faculty: Rema Gopalan

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