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Unit 6

Stages in life
Reading and Writing 1
Do you know the answer to the Sphinx’s question?

In Greek history, the Sphinx was a giant monster with the body of a lion, the wings
of a bird and a human head. When travellers wanted to enter the city of Thebes, the
Sphinx asked them a question: “What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs
at noon, and on three legs in the evening?” The Sphinx killed any traveller who
didn’t answer correctly.
Do you know the answer to the Sphinx’s question?

-The answer is “the human”!

Changing your life
Put the stages of life into the correct order (1-7) from
youngest to oldest!

What is your current stage of life?

Read the article about Rich and Amanda. What was their stages of life?
Why did they decide to leave their jobs?
Imagine you are one of the people below. Read about your current situation and make plans for the
future. Is there anything you need to do or buy in order to change your life?
Thanks for listening!
Break - 10 minutes
If you have any questions, contact
World party
Look at the pictures and guess about the parties’ name
Match the sentences (1-6) to the place described
Match the sentences (1-6) to the place described
Find words in the article for these pictures
Find words in the article for these pictures

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