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Placement is the actual posting of an employee to a specific job—
with rank and responsibilities attached to it. Most organisations put
new recruits on probation for a given period of time after which their
services are confirmed. Placement, however, should be made with
as little disruption to the employee and organisation as possible.   

Benefits of Placement
The employee is able to:
 Show good results on the job.
 Get along with people easily.
 Keep his spirits high, report for duty regularly.
 Avoid mistakes and accidents.

Induction Or Orientation

Induction or orientation is the process through which a new recruit is

introduced to the job and the organisation. Induction removes fears from the
mind of a newcomer, creates a good impression about the organisation and
acts as a valuable source of information.

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations


Induction Programme: Steps

 Welcome to the organisation

 Explain about the company and show all the facilities
 Show the location where the new recruit will work.
 Give the company's manual
 Offer details about various work groups
 Provide details about policies, rules, regulations, benefits, etc
 Explain about opportunities and career prospects
 Clarify doubts
 Assign the new recruit to the supervisor

Induction includes socialisation also. Socialisation is the process through

which the new recruit begins to understand and accept the values, norms and
beliefs held by others in the orgaisation.

Follow up meetings may also be required at regular intervals to find how the
new recruit has adjusted himself to new environs.
Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations

Induction Training In India

Induction Training: Indian Snapshots

 Aptech
 Maruti udyog
 Standard chartered bank
 Citibank
 Sony India
 Indian shaving products

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations


Internal Mobility

Internal mobility refers to the lateral or vertical movement of an

employee within an organisation.

Purposes of Internal Mobility

Improve organisational effectiveness
Improve employee effectiveness
Adjust to changing business operations
Ensure discipline

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations



A transfer is a change in job assignment. It may involve a promotion or

demotion Or no change at all in status and responsibility

Purposes of transfer
To meet organisational requirements
To satisfy employee needs
To utilise employees better
To make the employee more versatile
To adjust the workforce
To provide relief to overburdened employees
To reduce conflicts
To punish employees

Benefits and problems associated

with transfers
B e n e fits P ro b le m s
 Im prove em ployee skills  Inconvenient to em ployees who otherwise
do not want to move
 Reduce m onotony, boredom  Em ployees m ay or m ay not fit in the new location/departm ent
 Remedy faulty placem ent decisions  Shifting of experienced hands m ay affect productivity
 Prepare the em ployee for challenging  Discrim inatory transfers m ay affect
assignm ents in future em ployee morale.
 Stabilise changing work requirem ents in
different departm ents/locations
 Im prove employee satisfaction and m orale
 Im prove em ployer-employee relations

Transfer policy: Organisations should clearly specify their policy regarding
transfers. Such a policy would normally consist of the following things
 Specify circumstances under which the transfer has been effected
 Name the persons authorised to effect transfers
 Mention the basis for the transfer
 Clarify the position regarding pay, allowances, benefits etc

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations



Employee movement from current job to another that is higher in pay,

responsibility and/or organisation level is known as “promotion”. Promotion has
powerful motivational value as it compels an employee to utilise his talents fully,
and remain loyal and committed to his or her job and the organisation.

Bases of promotion
Merit based promotions
Seniority based promotions

Promotion policy: To be fair, an organisation should institute a promotion

Policy that gives due weight age to both seniority and merit. Promotion
Opportunities must be thrown open to all employees. The norms for promotion
should be expressed in writing. Detailed records must be maintained for this
Purpose. A responsible official should be asked to take the final decision
regarding employee promotions.

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations



Employee movement that occurs when an employee is moved from

one job to another that is lower in pay, responsibility and/or
organisation level is called demotion.

Causes of demotion
Employee unable to meet job requirements
Organisation forced to demote employees because of adverse business conditions
Demotions happening to check errant employees

Demotion policy: A clear cut policy regarding demotions would help employees
adjust to complex organisational demands admirably. To this end, punishable
offences must be listed in advance. Better to state the reasons before punishing
an employee. Any violation must be properly investigated and followed by a
consistent and equitable application of the penalty. There should be enough
room for review.
Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations

Employee Separations

 Resignation: A voluntary separation initiated by the employee himself is

called resignation. It is always better to find why the employee has decided
to quit the organisation. Properly conducted exit interviews would help
throw light on factors behind the curtain
 Retirement: Termination of service on reaching the age of superannuation
is called retirement. To avoid problems, organisations normally plan
replacements to retiring employees beforehand.
 Death: Some employees may die in service. Death caused by occupational
hazards, of course, would attract the provisions of Workmen's
Compensation Act, 1923. The normal separation of people from an
organisation due to resignation, retirement or death is known as attrition.
 Lay off: A lay off entails the separation of the employee from the
organisation temporarily for economic or business reasons.

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations


The Do’s and Don’ts of laying off

Consulting firm s offer the follow ing advice for telling em ployees that they will be laid off

D o’s D on t’s
 G ive as m uch warning as possible for  D on’t leave the room , creating confusion. Tell the
m a ss lay offs employee that he or she is laid off or terminated.
 Sit down one-to-one with the individual  D on’t allow tim e for debate
in a private office  D o n ’ t m a k e p e r s o n a l c o m m e n ts ; k e e p t h e
 Complete the firing session quickly conversation professional
 P re p a re th e in d iv id u a l w h o is b e in g  D on’t rush the employee off-site unless security
asked to leave to cope with his em otions is really an issue
 O ffer written explanations of severance  D on’t fire people on im portant dates (birthdays,
be nefits anniv ers ary o f their em ploy m ent, the day their
 Provide outplacement assistance away m other died, etc.)
from com pany headquarters  D on’t fire em ployees when they are on vacation
 Be sure the em ployee learns about the or have just returned
layoff from a m anager, not a colleague  E m p l o y e e s w h o c o n ti n u e t o w o r k w i t h t h e
 A ppreciate the contributions m ade by c om pa ny sh ou ld n ot b e ig no red. T he y are as
the em ployee – if they are appropriate vulnerable to the changes as the ones being let go.

(S. A le xan der, The W a ll S treet Journa l 81, 1 991. A lso see “Ea sing the E xit”, B. W o rld, 1.9 .200 3)

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations


Employee Separations

 Retrenchment: A permanent lay off for reasons other than

punishment but not retirement or termination owing to ill health is
called retrenchment. Legally speaking, employers in India are
required to give advance notice or pay equivalent wages before
the actual lay off date. (50 per cent of basic wages plus
How to trim the workforce?
 Stop hiring people when the first signals of trouble ahead surface. This would
send the right message to the trade unions.
 Better to be on good terms with all the trade unions.
 Allay the workers’ suspicions by communicating with them directly.
 Design a severance package with incentives for training and redeployment.
 Never use pressure tactics to intimidate your workers into leaving.

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations


Employee Separations

 Outplacement: Outplacement assistance includes Efforts made

by the employer to help a recently separated employee find a
job. Apart from training support to such employees, some
organisations offer assistance in the form of paid leave travel
charges for attending interviews, search firm expenses ,etc.

Merits and demerits of outplacement

M e rits D e m e r i ts
 Show s th e hum an face o f the com pa ny.  M ay b e tim e con sum in g a nd costly.
 Ease s th e p ain of re tren chm ent.  M aintain ing d ata b ases on o ther jo bs is
n ot e a sy.
 Pre serves th e m orale of those w ho re m ain  C an w ork only w he n re tren chin g a
w ith the com p any. few ma nage rs at a tim e .
 Sm o othe n s th e w a y fo r future dow nsizin g  C an b e turne d d ow n by a ngry, d isillu sion ed
m o ve s. e m p lo yee s.
 H e lp s yo u retain your form er em ployees’  D ifficu lt to co nvince an d imp le m en t a t th e
re sp ec t. leve l of w o rk ers.

So urce: B usiness India Jan 7 -2 1, 19 96 pp . 300 -5 04

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations


Employee Separations

 Suspension: Suspension means prohibiting an employee from

attending work and performing normal duties assigned to him.
 Discharge and dismissal: The termination of the services of an
employee as a punitive measure for some misconduct is called
dismissal. Discharge also means termination of the services of an
employee but not necessarily as a punishment. A discharge does not
arise from a single irrational act( such as alcoholism, wilful violation of
rules, insubordination, carelessness, dishonesty, inefficiency, violent
acts, unauthorised absence for a long time

Placement, Induction, Internal Mobility And Separations

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